Thirty Seconds To Mars - This is War. Mars is MARS, not the planet.

9 months ago

Thirty Seconds To Mars - This Is War
MARS is a DoD sponsored program, Military Auxiliary Radio System. When you Google Mars or MARS, all you will get, is NASA or the planet.
President Trump has given many "comms", in Tweets, now Truths, speeches and videos. Much to throughly dive into, with paper and pen handy to decode, for those looking for answers. I have done analysis on material, data, etc for decades, because I did not believe in the Warren Commission's publication of President Kennedy's flat out murder, followed by RFK and MLK's same murders.
We have many comms, we will not know the answers now, because President Trump stated clearly, he will not let the enemy know his plans, as prior President's did. Waiting is the toughest plan, while our nation crumbles in every aspect. We all see, live it each and every day. There are many comms in this video, search for them, things are going on, much is being exposed, from my analytical point of view. I know one thing for certain, we are in uncharted territory in the history of this nation. One key ingredient, is waking up "normies". We are looking for a percentage of the citizens to see everything that is being exposed, share it, drive it home. Expose our local, state elected officials who do not uphold the Constitution. Share it, no matter if it is your state or not. Wake people up from this corruption, that has existed since 1871 in our nation.
Yes, President Trump all the time states, "never give up, never quit, never give in", that is for a reason. It may continue to deteriorate, get tough, become dark days, but if this is the last battle, UNITED we together will win this battle in the US, and other nations will be set free. The eyes are on us all, if we fall totally, the entire world falls.
Pray for our nation, President Trump and all around him. Jesus is the answer, and President Trump is not on a pedestal, but the only leader who can help us out of this mess, and restore our Republic.

God bless and protect us all, may God heal our land, our people, may He unite us like never before in history, may each one pray without ceasing, may we love our neighbor as ourselves, may we despise evil as God will deal with the fallen angels one day, may our nation be restored as a sovereign Republic created by God, and drive out all those evil in office with fair elections, I also pray for those homeless, may they find refuge and care as illegals have been taken care of better than our own citizens, I pray no war in these efforts to restore our nation, I pray that the evil cloud that has come over us, worse than the times of Babylon be erraticed from us, I pray for the unity in the body of people that we truly see brothers and sisters, not skin colors, size, disabilities, true unity, we call out what is displeasing to God and not accept it, pray for the protection of the children and stop the business of child/women sex trafficking and all it entails, we give praise and glory to you daily for what you do above and beyond, because we are not worthy, except by the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, shed His blood for every soul, that we all be forgiven over and over, thank you Lord for this time in history, may we be victorious as King David, may your light shine upon us all. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.
God bless us all, God bless America 🇺🇸 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌

I recommend all that want to track people waking up, check in on Vincent Kennedy on X, we followed each other on Twitter before i lost my account (banned), due to the purge. He has on his page, an APL (Americans Pissed Level). It has been on the rise, since 2021, people are waking up. I do not have the exact number they are looking for. Some have said a constant +80%, some have said higher, some have said 94% where the remaining 6% will never get things. All I do know, it's been analyzed over and over, showing outcomes many ways, and there is a number with no collateral deaths.

Give credit to Scotty Mar 10 for his creation.
Entheos for his post about J6ER'S POW's link below if interested in helping our POW's.
Thank you, God bless 🙌

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