'Lets Not Call Them Lockdowns, Lets call Them Grounding' (Feat Newsfist)

1 year ago

The use of so called innocent changes in language to change human behaviour is demonstrated here by XR/JSO.

News Fist and I will be exploring this linguistic technique more in a future video shot during Earth Day. Look out for Viva la System change coming soon as well as more videos from this display of governmental power.

By that I mean their complete control of the protest movements, in this case the left's triumverate of insanity BLM, Just Stop Oil and XR. 'Three heads of the same snake' as Chris describes them. They are all funded and founded by the corporations trying to enlsave us in their digital net zero netherworld of depravity and terrible craic.

Join News Fist and I in smiting these terrible foes very soon.

Download my evolving health guide below and consider a donation to my crowdfunder. I'm trying to raise funds for Lymes disease, SIBO and adrenal fatigue treatments in Germany. I'm in danger of losing my speech. I'll be telling my story on a new channel soon. Thank you!!!

DONATIONS: https://gogetfunding.com/save-my-speech/

IMMUNE SYSTEM HEALTH GUIDE; https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i96ykd5486khksm/AACw1OQCn_2641o6QKSMxZYaa?dl=0

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