This Isn't Cool To Allow This To Happen Over The Livestream

1 year ago

Spake had some very darn valid points here, but to get mocked while he was saying them, getting talked over and muted, while nothing happens to the others who were at fault, that's some abuse of mod powers on show, right in front of a Glober who was clearly trolling too. Do you think this portrays 24/7 to others in a good light, yes or no? If yes, give your head a wobble... If no, then good, because this was a 💩show to listen to ...

Hopefully with things like this being highlighted, people might act abit more professional in future, or at worst, have their roles looked at again 🤷🏻‍♂️ (who's this "new" FEer that's reappeared who was clearly just trying to provoke?)...

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