1 year ago

The Illuminati's Role in World War II

World War II was a disaster for many, but for the Illuminati, it was a success.

The Illuminati saw the war as part of their 'urban renewal' program, aiming to create a New World Order.

-THE NEW WORLD ORDER- World War II, with its 30 million dead a part of the Illuminati world wide "urban renewal' program designed to result in the creation of the Weishauptian 'Novo Ordo Seclorum'

This strategy was devised in the mid-1800s by an Illuminati front, The League of the Just.

Albert Pike, Supreme Commander of Freemasonry, laid out the plan.

He was assisted by Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini, and later, Adrianno Lemmi.

In his letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871, Albert Pike, the Supreme Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry, laid out his plan.

Pike, the head of the movement in the United States, created the ultra-secret Palladian Rite to spearhead the drive for global conquest.

Pike was assisted by Mazzini, the Italian revolutionary, who was in charge of political affairs, Upon his death, Mazzini was succeeded by Adrianno Lemmi.

Since that time Communism (the present-day successor to the Palladian Rite) has been in the vanguard of the international revolutionary movement.

In the early 20th century, Nicholai Lenin led the political activities of the movement, leading to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

In the political and psychological scheme of things, Communism has played the role fo 'foil' as outlined by Albert Pike in his mammoth work, Morals, and Dogma, published in 1871.

Since then, Communism has been at the forefront of the international revolutionary movement, used as a 'bogey' to pressure Western nations into making concessions.

the end minutemen

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