How to Make Applesauce & Apple-scrap Vinegar

1 year ago

I'm not going to lie, I absolutely hate making applesauce. Reason being, it takes way too long. But, the end result is worth the time and effort. We were blessed to receive our apples for free, so the only expense was the lids. It's important to wash your apples thoroughly, especially if you are going to be using the peels to make apple scrap vinegar.
#applesauce #applescrapvinegar #apple

Apple peels plus the cores
1Tbl sugar to 1 quart of water-dissolve sugar in water

Pour water over the peels and place fermentation weight on top of the peels. Cover with cheese cloth or coffee filter. Secure with a rubber band. Once fermentation is complete, strain and store. Great on salads and cooking.

12 lbs apples
4TBL of lemon juice
Sugar( up to 3 cups). If you use a variety, the amount of sugar should be minimal.
Spices- up to 4tsp (cinnamon and allspice combination)

Waterbath can quarts and pints for 20 mins.

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