Become The Creator

8 months ago

Become The Creator

Day 21 - Soul Creation

Creativity is the Soul expressing itself through this human experience

Creativity will get us in the right brain, Its All RIGHT.

When we create, our body goes into flow, our body is healing, our mind becomes still and we become one with the experience.

We get caught up in the moment, we lose track of time, a complete standstill.

These moments are pure bliss for the mind and body. The body feels, the mind then creates the memories for the soul to experience.

What we put out comes back.

When we close our eyes and go within, we are presented with infinite possibilities, a blank canvas. On that canvas we can give ourselves permission to express in any means we choose.

When we go within it is only us that can be judging, so let go of judgement. Drop all limiting beliefs, Know that you are in full control.

In every given moment, imagine your highest thought about you. What is your highest thought on the words that you speak and actions that you choose to take?

Where did your thoughts take you?
Where was you?
Who was there?

Expressing ourselves through creativity allows us to bring out our feelings from within our body, and into the universe. We feel lighter as we shine our light. Our truth expressed through our creation

What creative gifts did you experience?

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Meditation will change your life, Meditation is the Gateway to Gods Kingdom within you.

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