CENSORSHIP - First Step to Total Tyranny

9 months ago

Censorship is a way to shut down information so that the public at large has no way of figuring out that what is happening is bad or hurtful - or lethal! Most Communist countries keep people in the dark. They usually have one radio station, one T.V. Channel and their Newspapers are owned by the Regime. The population at large has no alternative information giving them other points of view or options. This is done to fully control a population. This show goes in depth about this practice and how we may already be experiencing the onset of Communism.

We're in a Matrix. This Matrix has been engineered by dark forces that feed us disinformation to keep us in the dark so that they can use us as "energetic food". How do they do this? Why have we fallen for this?

How do we stop it and shatter the Matrix?
Learn how by joining: https://ShatteringTheMatrix.com for the latest information that helps us "shatter this matrix!" Knowledge is Power! Together, we are Strong!

Ari is the author of the International Bestselling book "Spiritual Warfare and the Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality" and "Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection & Empowerment".

Ari Kopel's Books on Amazon:
"Spiritual Warfare & The Art of Deception: The Hijacking of Spirituality": https://rb.gy/w9wj1
"Getting Back to Source: Tools for Connection, Protection, and Empowerment":

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