Ep. 11: Increasing Resolution

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# Show Description
We are going to live-code some helper functions in the Rust programming language to enable exploring calculus concepts.

## Infrastructure
Repository: https://notabug.org/c0digam0s/calc-explorer
– Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen: bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists

## This Episode
1. Increase floating precision
2. Crank up tolerances
3. Test!

## Topic Breakdown
1. What do we gain from going to 64bit precision?
2. How many more iterations can we run? How much more stringent can our tolerances be?
3. What is the best way to prove to ourselves we "fixed" the issue?

## Disclaimers
- The software written here is MIT licensed
- Use, (re)-distribute, modify, monetize at will
- The software has no guarantees and the author is not liable: test the code!
- This show provides no advice for:
- Legal
- Engineering
- Safety
- The show aims for a PG-13 environment
- There may be on occasion topics or jokes that aren't suitable for young children
- Intention: keep things relatively clean with limited to no profanity

## Footer
Fair warning: While I'm an experienced programmer, I am new to Rust, so expect many mistakes. Looking at you, borrow checker! :P

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