Cup of Tea - Scott Spalding

11 years ago

I was inspired to write this song after reading a newspaper article about making the 'perfect cup of tea'. This was a few years ago now so I am a bit sketchy on the details however the story went something along the lines of it taking a group of scientists a few years and 'x' amount of thousands of pounds to research how to make the perfect cup of tea. I had a chuckle after reading this I have to admit. I think my first thought was 'sheesh, they spent how much researching that? Surely they could have used that money for something a bit more beneficial?'

My second thought was probably something along the lines of... 'but surely there is no such thing as a perfect cup of tea? I have changed my preferences and choices of tea drinking many times over the years. What is good for me is not necessarily good for another, and vice versa.'

I wrote this song on my acoustic guitar a few years ago however when playing around on my bass guitar recently I started playing a riff which became the main bass riff through the song. After playing it a few times over I thought that it sounded very similar to 'cup of tea', so I started recording the electric version featured here.

Do you think a universally perfect cup of tea exists? Was it useful research or a waste of money? Let me know your thoughts, but before that, enjoy the song :) Listen and purchase my music in the following places:

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