Women giving unfiltered dating advice for men, episode 4

11 months ago

Take my free quiz and blow your mind @ https://the-real-chad-move.com

Also check out the full podcast with Sadia Khan @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGLFl-86syo&pp=ygUKc2FkaWEga2hhbg%3D%3D

0:00 Don't Be Manipulated
0:13 Don't Be A Wimp #1
0:47 Don't Be A Wimp #2
0:53 Just Show CHALLENGE
1:28 Stop Texting, Show Challenge
1:41 Stop Texting, Talk In Person #1
1:55 Stop Texting, Talk In Person #2
2:10 All Women Want Gold, But This is Nuts
2:21 Social Media Is Cancer
2:44 Choose The Right Values
3:10 Let Her Initiate All Touching
3:26 Just Accept A Compliment
3:37 Just Do It
4:17 Don't Choose Baggage #1
4:58 Don't Choose Baggage #2
5:29 Don't Choose Baggage #3

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