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what cues vaccine adversary effects; Fentanyl crisis root cause; CCP’s spying operations exposed | INFILTRATION FILES 9.23.23 2pm


  • 0/2000
  • 👏 great job

  • Please checkout following accounts for more information about cure on Vaccine Adversary effects: Gettr @Adelin My Twitter @ roy_guo64 pin post General info about CCP: Twitter @NFSCSpeak Thank you Patriots, Be Safe 🙏

    1 like
  • Good work Guys

    1 like
  • Hi Roy and Saturn! Free Miles Guo! Take down the CCP.

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  • I am sure China has a long term goal to defeat America by a Trojan Horse. China cannot win with a better life for the people, communism is a horrible way for the population. Democracy is the only way for a healthy and prosperous community.