Unforgettable Moments: September 21 through History

1 year ago

In this video, we're taking a look back at some of the most memorable moments on September 21st. September 21 has been filled with unforgettable moments.

Watch as we take a look back at some of the most historic and exciting moments on September 21st, and enjoy some beautiful memories that will last a lifetime!

46 BC Julius Caesar celebrates first of four triumphal processions in Rome - over Gaul, Egypt, Pontus and Africa with leader of the Gauls Vercingetorix led in chains

1776 5 days after British take New York, a quarter of the city burns down

1776 Nathan Hale, spied on British for American rebels, arrested

1780 Benedict Arnold gives British Major John André plans to West Point

1784 Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser becomes the 1st successful daily newspaper in the United States

1792 French Revolution: The National Convention passes a proclamation announcing the formal abolition of the French monarchy

1823 Moroni first appears to Joseph Smith, according to Smith

1827 According to Joseph Smith Jr., the angel Moroni gave him a record of gold plates, one-third of which Joseph translated into The Book of Mormon

1863 Union forces retreat to Chattanooga after defeat at Chickamauga

1872 John Henry Conyers of South Carolina becomes first black student at Annapolis

1897 NY Sun runs famous "Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus" editorial

1922 US President Warren G. Harding signs a joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine

1970 "Monday Night Football" created by Roone Arledge, premieres on ABC - Browns 31, Jets 21

1970 New York Times starts first modern op-ed page

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