What if the Worst Asteroids From the Past Hit Earth Tomorrow?

1 year ago

Was was the worst asteroid ever? Fifty thousand years ago, a space rock slammed into Earth and made a big boom.

00:00 What Was the Worst Asteroid Impact Ever?
00:30 Meteor Crater
01:25 Yarrabubba Crater
02:55 Sudbury Basin
04:20 Chicxulub Crater
05:58 Vredefort Crater
What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.

Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.com

#whatif #asteroid #asteroidhittingearth #impact
#AsteroidApocalypse #EarthImpact #DoomsdayScenarios #SurvivalTips #EndOfTheWorld #AstroDisaster #UniverseThreats #CatastrophicEvents #ArmageddonAlert #ViralVideo

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