Cowards at Channel 2 Give Voice to the ADL, But Refuse to Prove Comments Were Racist

7 months ago

Cowards at Channel 2 Give Voice to the ADL, But Refuse to Prove Comments Were Racist and Not Legitimate Grievances...
September 22, 2023 6:58
KTVU Channel 2 News
The Unquestioning of the Integrity of the ADL is nothing less than a Complete Coverup and Condoning of the ADL's Evil Lies and Dirty Tricks.
We in fact even know that the Zionists themselves are the Very ones behind anti-Semitic rhetoric. They have been caught time and again funding FAKE White Supremacists and even Pretending to be White Supremacists themselves.
The vast majority of Americans are Not Racist, nor Anti-Semitic. They are mad as hell about the Crimes Committed by Racist Zionists.
Of course it is no surprise that the Fake News is once again betraying the people by Defending those who betray them.
The ADL themselves are more Vile and Racist than any White Supremists I have ever met. And I have not even met that many. They do not really even exist in any substantial numbers.
And in the end, the Zionists and the ADL are themselves to blame for any Hatred Resulting from their Evil.
Hogwash posted below:
cutting off comments could be costly to taxpayers.

"That is exactly the kind of gut reaction that these hate speakers are looking for," she said. "They want to bring a lawsuit against us for breaching their first amendment rights."

City and county leaders have met to discuss legal ways to restrict hate speech including limiting the total time for public comment period or reducing the time a person is allowed to speak.

Another strategy is to save public comments for the end of the meeting and encourage positive ones.

The ADL is also looking into potential legislation to better deal with potential First Amendment concerns and liabilities.

In Sonoma County, supervisors restricted public comment to in-person only this week to prevent hate speech.

El Cerrito is considering implementing that strategy while also making sure city council sends a unified message that they’re standing against hate.

Officials held signs denouncing hate in anticipation of inappropriate comments Tuesday. They’re also now displayed in nearly every corner of City Hall.

"They’re trying to make us afraid and angry and hurt. We need to turn that around," said Motoyama. "You can come to our community, but you cannot bring your hate here."

Brooks Jarosz is an investigative reporter for KTVU. Email him at and follow him on Facebook and X @BrooksKTVU.
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