Magneto vs Apocalypse - Final Fight Scene. | X-Men : Apocalypse

9 months ago

Special New Intro !

#magneto #apocalypse #eriklehnsherr #ensabahnur #xmenapocalypse #fightscene

The final battle between Magneto and the world's first mutant fought for Charles Xavier, for Erik Apocalypse it was too much to destroy the world so that his best friend was targeted to transfer his soul to Charles' body to control the human brains in the world.

X-Men, Magneto, Erik Lehnsherr, Apocalypse, En Sabah Nur, Magneto vs Apocalypse Final Fight Scene, Magneto vs Apocalypse, X-Men : Apocalypse, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Issac, The Master of Magnetism, The First Mutants

( please note i do not own any rights to 20th Century Fox & Disney videos just advertising )

Thank You.

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