Josey Amann child predator

10 months ago


Behind Closed Doors: Unmasking the Abuser - A Shocking Tale of Deception, Betrayal, and the Pursuit of Justice.

Very common western society saying is, " innocent faces are often deceptive" and same goes for virtuous looking 30 Years old Josey aman

In the serene town of Onalaska, nestled in the heart of La Crosse County, Wisconsin, an unassuming man concealed a past shrouded in shadows.

Let's introduce Josey Amann, a white male whose unremarkable appearance belies a complex and haunting history.

Behind the facade of an ordinary life, Amann harboured secrets that would send shivers down your spine.

His past, marked by a dark and troubling history, revealed a side few could have ever imagined.

What drives someone to such depths of darkness, and can the past ever truly be escaped?

Join us as we embark on a journey to unveil the shocking truth about Josey Amann and the enigmas that lie beneath the surface.


On May 22nd 2021 a man followed a 10 year old girl through multiple aisles in walmart and touched her inappropriately in onalaska wisconsin, the girl immediately told her mother about what happened who then confronted him, when she accused him he reportedly fled the store and left the parking lot in a pickup truck.

The man was later identified as 30-year-old Josie Amman.

Josey Amann is a native of Onalaska in La Crosse County, Wisconsin. He is a white male with long hair, as seen in his mugshot. 

The police record has stated that he worked at a La Crosse restaurant and bar, the white male has a criminal record in past.

Previously, he was charged with six counts of domestic abuse on September 7, 2018.

According to the lawsuit, on August 26, Amann kicked, pushed, & strangled his 18-year-old girlfriend.


The mother was in a state of panic, calling out for help and becoming emotional as she noticed her 13-year-old child turning pale. Nearby Patrols reached in a while and Police started investigations from every possible angle for identification of Satan.

According to the police, the mother didn't witness the assault, Surveillance video was to showed the mother, where josie was seen chasing the girl but there was no monitoring in the aisle where the assault allegedly occurred.

A few days later police reviewed the video and observed josie going to the subway store inside of walmart, subway staff provided a receipt of the transaction but it did not have the name for the card used the onalaska police had a record served on subway to request the video debit card information.

The records received under the subpoena 
implicated Josie.

On collection of concrete evidences, Five months later police confronted Josie at his place of employment

Hey josie officer flatten this was a little bit more urgent for me so i decided to just come down and talk to you here um i need to talk to you about an incident where you're my suspect


Do you have any idea what i'm referring to okay have you ever been to the onalaska walmart


Okay um in may we got a complaint from a parent and a young girl at the walmart on
alaska then bald view anything ring a bell to that okay you ever been at the walmart where uh you got chased out of the store

no no

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a harbinger of nightmares."disguised Satan, a living nightmare."

okay, so we've got video of you getting
chased out of walmart by a mom


you had previously, would you agree that this is you 

officer showing him CCTV footages


okay is this your truck

probably not, no

Such a cunning person he is

is that something you've ever driven

no i don't have a topper on my truck

okay, you don't think that resembles you in the slightest

no i'm not gonna agree with that

okay so the incident is that he reported to us that you would grab a child buttock in a grocery aisle


okay so we reviewed video and watched
the suspect of this whole thing prior to this incident with the juvenile was inside subway bought a sub sandwich use your debit card

okay, somebody used my debit card in a subway yep on alaska walmart subway
so walked into the store the vestibule goes to the subway get some food eats and stuff and goes into the store

okay, you still want to tell me you have no idea what i'm talking about, okay are you the only one that would you have your debit card hope you share with people look a lot like you all right huh


Police officers often receive training in kinesics, the study of body language and non-verbal cues, which can help them assess whether a suspect may be lying during an interrogation or interview. This training allows law enforcement to better interpret a person's gestures, facial expressions, and overall demeanour to gain insights into their truthfulness or deception.

okay turn around put your hands behind your back.

Suspect starts running from backdoor of the bar like anything.

Dominic, you got a taser stop! you stop, stop.

all right

Apprehended in a failed attempt of running hardly 40 metres

you good 

yep three or five minutes with you i'll take the squadobo, you're under arrest for sexual assault of a minor! you have any questions josie? are you injured at all?

i don't know


i think i'm sick

Let's meet our protagonist, the man of the hour, Josey Amann. A man of many talents, like denying involvement, forgetting trips to Walmart, and apparently, telepathically paying for sandwiches at Subway

i need help

what do you mean like you're going to puke right now or something else all right, we're going to set you up bud. roll over your side
this way. okay let's go up on your butt, 
ready up one two there we go, 

yeah okay,that's right

get some air it'll be good to get some

Officers were cherished to solve the mystery within short span of time, the sigh of satisfaction was reflecting from their faces, 

It was like, yeah that was pretty quick, i didn't get the run vibe from him but, all of a sudden yeah okay, all right thankyou 


State Law in this regard is very clear, First-degree sexual assault and misdemeanor is typically considered a serious felony and following severe punishments fall under it:

Lengthy Prison Sentences (ranging from one year to life imprisonment of 60 years) depending on the jurisdiction, Sex Offender Registration, Probation and Parole,Fines and Restitution
And misdemeanor is typically a crime punishable by less than 12 months in jail.

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