⬇️ Ranking ⬆️ Quake Dissolution of Eternity Maps #shorts

1 year ago

It's a very mixed bag, but overall the best pack of Quake 1 I'd say.

Tomb of the Overlord - 0:00
Elemental Fury I - 0:37
Tempus Fugit - 1:25
Elemental Fury II - 2:02
Source of Evil - 2:36
Curse of Osiris - 3:23
Wizard's Keep - 3:59
Last Bastion - 4:37
Towers of Wrath - 5:16
Blood Sacrifice - 5:51
Dread Portal - 6:28
Judgment Call - 7:09
Temple of Pain - 7:50
Deviant's Domain - 8:27
Cave of Death - 9:08
Overview - 9:44

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