"They Live" was a DOCUMENTARY

1 year ago

They live beyond our visual spectrum, bending light, with shapeshifting holographic technology, similar to chameleons. They've been infiltrating the human race since The Bible spoke of Satan the serpent. The Mayans, worshiped them as, Quetzalcoatl. The Reptilian shapeshifters have been exposed in video, one of the best examples is the YouTube video of Yusef Estes, and the shapeshifting girlfriend in the Mexico movie theater. Many mainstream news anchors have shifted while LIVE on air. Too much evidence to deny, of reptilian Gods in history, the brave knight fighting the dragon to save the princess. Anyone with an open mind, can't deny the overwhelming evidence of human sacrifice by these entities, being suppressed and hidden, throughout the years. The human race has been controlled by this race, and maybe even created to be their slave race, some evidence reveals. The human race seems to be some sort of energy source for them. Whatever we call them, demons, jinn, or aliens, one thing is the same, the deception, fear, anger, division, and control they use to control us.

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