Feast of Trumpets

9 months ago

The Feast of Trumpets carries profound symbolism from the Bible where trumpets signify significant events. This festival anticipates earth-shaking, end-time occurrences, as described in Revelation with seven plagues announced by seven trumpets, a consequence of human sinfulness. Despite these trials, humanity persists in selfishness and ungodliness.
Yet, the seventh trumpet heralds hope: "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever" (Revelation 11:15). Jesus will intervene to prevent self-destruction, gathering His elect to establish God's Kingdom on Earth.
The Feast of Trumpets also anticipates the first resurrection at Christ's return, symbolizing the end of human rule and the dawn of God's glorious Kingdom on Earth. It's observed with rest and a holy gathering, accompanied by messages about its significance during church services.

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