Full Squat Day

9 months ago

Sometimes you have to keep it simple! Load heavy, take your time, focus on quality over quantity.

There are two components to physical readiness I consider when it comes to workout design: Musculoskeletal Readiness, CNS Readiness.

Some days your musculoskeletal system will be fresh and ready to go but the nervous system isn’t. In this case, spend more time warming up, slower to scale weight, and increased rest time. Other days you’ll be musculoskeletally fatigued but CNS ready to grind. These days should require careful exercise selection to avoid strains due to altered movement mechanics from soreness.

In this workout, I only had about 60 minutes, nursing an adductor strain, and bouncing back from a 40lb cut I did from Dec22-May23. That’s why we only got 3 things in. But at the time of me writing this, 09/22/23, I’m sore!

How have you overcome CNS fatigue before? Let me know!

- Coach Aylor

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