TheDimNews LIVE: Russell Brand Allegations | Matt Walsh's "Church Ladies"

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk. #RussellBrand #MattWalsh


h8yourst8 Supporter hi, i was told emotional support would be available here

Qriist Supporter Emotional support is only available from 9-5 on days that end in z.
thrasybulus I thought we supported people by emotionally crushing them until they learned to turn off all emotion permanently.

h8yourst8 Supporter all my days end in zzz

Qriist Supporter TGIFzzz

Qriist Supporter Ducks shouldn't bark.

Qriist Supporter Might want to get that looked at.
thrasybulus I remember reading about how at least one village in Vietnam was using either ducks or geese as both a food source and as a guard animal because they were so territorial. Ruined some SEALs day.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yep. Police in Japan use geese because of how aggressive and fearless they are.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Make a paste with baking soda, and apply it to the area. It will defuse the venom.
thrasybulus Sometimes you just have to sneak some stray pussy into your apartment.

JQuickDraw Supporter Let's roll

Qriist Supporter tell the ginger that we should play some mtg

jbsx 😀

Qriist Supporter I've seen Disenchantment. It's decent enough.

RonGreen1 The order of the royal goose guard.

JQuickDraw Supporter mtg? Marjorie Taylor Greene?
thrasybulus Geese could guard Canuckistani Prisons part of the year.
thrasybulus Conway is the black spy right?

Qriist Supporter I'm actually currently playing magic on Cockatrice, if that's what Todd uses

JQuickDraw Supporter So they killed off the Asian character, and you were out? Wow, so racist.
thrasybulus The Touching Evil remake.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I hate to say it, but Burn Notice would have been much, much better if Bruce Campbell was not in it. I love Bruce Campbell, but he's too goofy for a show like Burn Notice.

h8yourst8 Supporter racist in all the ways

RonGreen1 Burn notice. Is that an antifa thing?

JQuickDraw Supporter No, Antifa doesn't give you notice before burning your business down.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers
thrasybulus If you have to ask in what way you are racist, you have to undergo more struggle sessions.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Sounds like The Equalizer or Person of Interest

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Canadian horror show? "Eh. There's no more maple syrup. Eh."

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ The show "Leverage" was in that same caste of shows.

JQuickDraw Supporter Canuckian horror - "I forgot to say thank you!"

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Person of Interest was ahead of its time. Excellent show and my favorite as well
thrasybulus Canada does good at making TV shows. Movies, not so much.

Guyinroom83 How is your power Verl, there's supposed to be a gay retarded storm this weekend

TunedToKey Twitter Twats

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Bruce Campbell was in Burn Notice? I only caught a little bit of that show

Guyinroom83 Didn't the burn notice actor get in trouble for something?

Guyinroom83 Might be thinking of a different show

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Oooo. "Blacklist" was good, too.

RonGreen1 I tried to watch the movie Insomnia last night, but I fell asleep.

JQuickDraw Supporter Blacklist was good until they were suppose to have a finale two seasons ago and didn't.

Guyinroom83 Allegations against Walsh?!?!

h8yourst8 Supporter dive into the twats

TunedToKey Head first


JQuickDraw Supporter dive into the twats / jump into the cunts / cannonball into the vaginas

TunedToKey Gibs dog pets

Guyinroom83 Walsh opinions: video games bad, having 19 kids bc you're Catholic good, even if you can't afford it

Guyinroom83 He furiously jerks to tentacle anime nightly

TunedToKey Beverly doesn't wear pants when she streams!

Qriist Supporter the anime stuff was a joke

TunedToKey It is retarded, Alex

h8yourst8 Supporter i blame climate change

jbsx some people and things are retarded

Guyinroom83 Some people's things are retarded. (Hoo has)

TunedToKey It is climate crisis, bigot
thrasybulus Canadian shows of note: Intelligence 2005-7, La Femme Nikita 1997-2001, Continuum 2012-5, Dark Matter 2015-7.

Qriist Supporter nah the anime stuff was a deadpan statement

h8yourst8 Supporter i like bedpan humor

JQuickDraw Supporter Republicans misdiagnose disease and symptoms. Porn, drugs, alcohol, gambling, and many other things are essentially Soma from Brave New World. They are a steam valve on a pressure cooker.
thrasybulus Is this one of those instances of someone not understanding anime is not always for kids?

Guyinroom83 Fuck Canada. Their bacon is fake.

TunedToKey ^^^^^

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly: "Your skin looks very constricting. I can help you with that."
thrasybulus Is it Naturist or Naturalist that nudists call themselves?

Guyinroom83 They drink milk from bags. That's all you need to know about them.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Red Green
thrasybulus @Alex I mentioned 4 shows.

RonGreen1 Rambo was filmed in Canada.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Cube was filmed in Canada.

jbsx canada's bacon is moose bacon

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The anime and manga I have seen is rarely for children

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It seems there is an invalid association between "cartoon" and anime.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Akira was an early introduction to anime in the US and it was not for children
thrasybulus The lady who has the problem with clothes should know it is naturist.
thrasybulus Georgia and NM were both subsidizing.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The American cultural view of cartoons is out of date

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most cartoony items are not legacy Disney like

JQuickDraw Supporter Fun Fact: The elite in the US at the turn of the last century were seriously discussing annexing Canada. They printed their thoughts in a periodical that they published, not sure why lol.
thrasybulus Westerns were easier to make because no one lived out in Palm Springs area. Or as I call it 29 Palms adjacent.

RonGreen1 Bugs Bunny is the only cartoon. Everything else is a cheap imitation.

JQuickDraw Supporter um, you're forgetting Tom and Jerry.

Guyinroom83 Remember when trump wanted to buy greenland

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Since Twitter has been re-named should these segments also be renamed? X-Rated?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I believe Walsh got in to the anime topic due to a challenge/bet he lost
thrasybulus Canada has lots of area, natural resources, low population to integrate. Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world, US is 3rd, Russia 1st.

Guyinroom83 The quarter poundering

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Something about watching anime. not sure if it was a particular show
thrasybulus Plus, greater control of the NW Passage over the Artic Sea/Ocean (forget which) is major geostrategic importance.

Guyinroom83 I think he does have a point with society getting more and more debased honestly. But I don't see how heavy metal leads to gross sex in music like WAP

Guyinroom83 Hard rock and metal were theatrics , not seriously satanic for God's sake
thrasybulus "Politics is downstream from culture" as analytical tool. I think politics and culture have both gotten worse. Let me trace it back. - My idea on where Matt Walsh is coming from here

JQuickDraw Supporter Matt Walsh is a basic bitch conservative who caught lightning in a bottle with his What is a Woman special. He simply doesn't get art, so he's suspicious of all of it.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Cause and correlation is a stretch but there is a certain level of desensitization that occurs

h8yourst8 Supporter did alex just say the holocaust was a rockin' good time?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I believe she pondered the idea but concluded it probably was not

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ haha

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Somebody was partying at the time though
thrasybulus @JQD Just think, Lauren Southern was originally booked for the spot Walsh took on Dr Phil but had a filming conflict for a documentary she was filming about the US/Mexico Border.

Guyinroom83 Don't bother denying it verly. You do dark magic through D&D and evil witchery

h8yourst8 Supporter they say white people don't have a culture, so i guess we can get rid of politicians

JQuickDraw Supporter I know D&D leads to Satan. I read it in a Chick Tract.

RonGreen1 Welfare has become a lifestyle.
thrasybulus Repeal the New Deal, Great Society, Obamacare, the Inflation Reduction Act, etc.

JQuickDraw Supporter And the Patriot Act, NDAA, and reject the TPP

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ In the history of the US I do not believe any such legislation has been repealed

Guyinroom83 Beverly: haha yeah it's such a leap!! None of us are satanic lol!! :Hides robes and runes:

JQuickDraw Supporter I also saw the Tom Hanks movie Mazes and Monsters. D&D will drive you insane. You'll start believing there are actual dragons.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That was more about LARPers right?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ An obscure movie to be sure
thrasybulus There is a game Super Columbine Massacre RPG! see documentary about it Playing Columbine

RonGreen1 The IRS is actually a department of vampires.

JQuickDraw Supporter Not really, he became a de facto LARPer because he started believing it was real, and ran into a cave system looking for treasure lol.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ He transitioned

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hehe

Qriist Supporter The Finders was a real thing though
thrasybulus There are enough people who don't think deeply enough about things and auto nod/thumb up, etc. on all sides.

Guyinroom83 Yeah. The whole satanic panic thing I do think did cover up some real satanic stuff

Guyinroom83 It's bc people are so mad at the left (rightfully so) they are going hard right

Guyinroom83 @qriist Franklin cover up too

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The pen is more powerful than the sword

JQuickDraw Supporter The satanic panic stuff in the 80s was the result of FBI stupidity. They tried to create manchurian candidate sleepers and accidentally created satanists.

JQuickDraw Supporter Qriist posted a link in Discord to Metokur's examination of the FBI's massive failure.

Qriist Supporter This will be just about the only time I defend the FBI, but they didn't really fail from incompetence.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most words are now allowed on Rumble. A Select few racial epithets are still auto censored

h8yourst8 Supporter japanese gingers?

Qriist Supporter The CIA and multiple members of congress repeatedly inserted themselves into The Finders case

Guyinroom83 Call your sponsor Erl. The food cravings are hitting again.

Qriist Supporter The FBI was repeatedly cockblocked in their investigation

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Japanese gingers

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Ginger snaps

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Snap dragons.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Dragons in Japan.

Guyinroom83 For the dark lords sake.

Qriist Supporter I actually thought walsh's original anime segment was hilarious

Qriist Supporter but then I regularly watch him and know when he's joking

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ To be honest, the main character in One Piece is really, really annoying.

Qriist Supporter he also watched a season of One Punch Man

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator What did he think of that?
thrasybulus @BeverlyNotHillbilly You might want to check on L if she doesn't have a show on Saturday.

Qriist Supporter He didn't like OPM. He apparently watched it subbed, which I think is a mistake when you're new to anime

Qriist Supporter walsh OPM:

Qriist Supporter no The Finders is a 1970s cult that has weird and classified CIA ties
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Words to go to jail by……Oh, sure. It was my decision,” Trump said. “I listened to some people. Some people said that.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Former President Donald Trump’s long-time assistant Molly Michael reportedly turned over to the FBI “to-do lists” former Trump made for her on the back of classified documents.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ She's ok
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher “Why did you ignore them and decide to listen to a new outside group of attorneys?” “Because I didn’t respect them,” Trump answered. Welker pointed out, “You hired them.”
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher I know fake news. When are you dumb fucks going to wake up?

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Recovering from being sick
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Don't listen to a 4-star general. Listen To President Bone Spur!!!!!

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ CTRL+A

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ CTRL+C

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ CTRL+V

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Hi

jbsx L is under the weather, like most of us. She's on day 7 so should be starting to feel better
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Yes...I am very much a NEVER Trumper.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Why would Jack Smith want to issue Trump a gag order?? Let him do as many interviews as possible. Just give him the shovel and he'll dig his's great!!!!

Qriist Supporter Finders link in discord:

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yeah, people like this are just plain angry that Rumble exists.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher What a genius!!! Person…..Woman…..Man….Camera…..TV.

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Trump's a war criminal, just like Obama. Do you know where the fuck you are, galaxy brain?

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ They *need* to control the narrative.

Qriist Supporter GymJordan is my favorite MAGA guy.

Guyinroom83 This is probably the calling it using a different name

Guyinroom83 Call in guy
thrasybulus @Pawl Thanks. Send her my best wishes.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher My favorite Trump lie is the claim that he got beat out by HOFer Willie McCovey in a tryout for the Giants, which led him to quit baseball. The Giants signed McCovey out of high school in 1955.

RonGreen1 The trolls are on the wrong show.🤣

h8yourst8 Supporter toucher carlson
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Trump was eight-years-old at the time.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Glad to hear you're not Trump Cult members.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher So why are you on Rumble??

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It takes a certain level of stupidity to make a user name that bad. That is a practiced level of stupidity. Can't reach that level accidently

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Because you made an assumption, idiot.

Guyinroom83 You're really gonna stir our whole q anon cult up here!!!

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Why are YOU on Rumble?

Guyinroom83 We are all devout q cultists!!!

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ I decided im voting for trump again

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Just because youre retarded

Qriist Supporter they are deathly afraid of the 17th letter of the alphabet
thrasybulus Tucker Carlson mistaken for Russell Brand. I guess all those white guys really do look alike.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ We need to report this GymJordan

jbsx I'm voting for Pawl...cause jersey
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Have you looked around Rumble??? 99.8% of the shows are MAGA, conspiracies, Qanon.....just crazy shit.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Aw thx

jbsx welcome

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Nobody cares
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Have you looked around Rumble??? 99.8% of the shows are MAGA, conspiracies, Qanon.....just crazy shit..
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Have you looked around Rumble??? 99.8% of the shows are MAGA, conspiracies, Qanon.....just crazy shit...

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ That is not an accurate assessment of Rumble
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Have you looked around Rumble??? 99.8% of the shows are MAGA, conspiracies, Qanon.....just crazy shit.-

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Rumble doesn't censor. YouTube does.

YourFriendPawl Supporter+ Get a hobby

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ not even close

h8yourst8 Supporter 99.8% that's a covid stat
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Have you looked around Rumble??? 99.8% of the shows are MAGA, conspiracies, Qanon.....just crazy shit.=

Qriist Supporter stop spamming douche canoe

Qriist Supporter you already have our attention

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher So you like Trump, since Rumble is full of Trumptards.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ What a douche nozzle.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher How can you be indifferent towards Trump??? That's like saying you were indifferent towards Hitler, or Stalin, or Kim Jong Il.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Your parents didn't love you.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ You don't have any friends.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ No one likes you.

jbsx dude needs to learn how to spell, and use punctuation

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Go away.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am generally indifferent to dead people

Qriist Supporter I happen to be indifferent to all leftists like Stalin, Hitler, and Biden.

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Suffering from a touch of the TDS, I see.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher I like going on Rumble and hitting Trumptards over the head with a stick.

RonGreen1 If the trolls are showing up, does that mean Trump is winning?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Unless they try to get my logs

Guyinroom83 You're right. Trump is just like mass murderer dictators.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ So, Gym, you like violence.
thrasybulus 1 person is a plot, 2 a conspiracy, 3 a KGB agent. - Soviet saying

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ It's been recorded.

Guyinroom83 You're right. You're on the right side of history and the government loves you.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Correct.....Trump has not done mass murders.....just give him some time.

Guyinroom83 Good for you.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yes, Gym, the government will save you.

h8yourst8 Supporter trump just wants to have a rockin' good time

Qriist Supporter Trump also didn't drone strike a US citizen in a country we aren't at war with.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Trump is a wannabe autocrat.

jbsx Trump is also a better golfer than you
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher I mean....he tried to overturn an election??!?!? What more do you need?
thrasybulus What is Trump's bodycount?

Qriist Supporter you realize you have an entire 4 years, complete with a peaceful transition of power, that disproves your propaganda?

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Trump's the worst, got it. He WANTS to do all the evil shit other leaders have already done. Do you know how fucking retarded you sound?

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ An autocrat that reduced record numbers of regulations, and was against mask and "vaccine" mandates.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher If Trump gets back into'll make his first term look like a cake walk.

Qriist Supporter lmfao

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Mental health crisis has spilled over in to chat

jbsx i like cake
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher No more adults in the office.
thrasybulus How many kills does Trump have on nonAlohaSnackbar blow up Amerikans types?

Qriist Supporter Well yeah, Biden wears a diaper

h8yourst8 Supporter thumbnail is biden now

Guyinroom83 Anyone but Biden is a win to me for 2024

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Gym is freakin' Nostradamus over here.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Last I checked, we're on the verge of WWIII right now.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I thought it was Trump that was supposed to start WWIII.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Rumble has plenty of standard fair and content
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher I'm so sick of all of Trump's people telling the truth!! When will they start to lie when they're under oath and questioned by the authorities??

jbsx oh, you 2 love it when things like this happens

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ There's also a live otter feed, for cryin' out loud.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ you'd have to be a moron to say otherwise

Qriist Supporter ""'m so sick of all of Trump's people telling the truth!! When will they start to lie when they're under oath and questioned by the authorities??"" ... amazing fruedian slip
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher God forbid Trump gets back in office…..2.0 will make 1.0 look normal and stable.

h8yourst8 Supporter if you haven't watched it, you otter

Guyinroom83 Trump is my savior and I pray to him every night.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher How about a Trump version of the Wagner Group??
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher No “mistakes” this time around. No adults in the White House. No Kelly, Tillerson, Mattis, Esper, Bolton, etc. Only sycophants!! Rudy!! Lindell!! Flynn!! Sydney Powell!! Jeff Clarke!! Would be
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher a complete shit show.

jbsx j g wentworth just emailed me about my credit card debt. I have none. How do I answer

Guyinroom83 Jim Jordan is an angel from heaven.

Qriist Supporter bro your meds are wearing off
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher Read about Schedule F.....Trump would take a blow torch to the govt.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this – this is off the record but – they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department an

Qriist Supporter Stop, I can only get so hard.

JQuickDraw Supporter @GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher You convinced me. I'm voting for Trump in 2024. I'll let everyone know it's because of you.
GymJordanWrestlerDickToucher See as president I could have declassified it,” Trump says. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

h8yourst8 Supporter blow torch to the govt will get him support here

Guyinroom83 Come on now Verl. To this person time started in 2016

Qriist Supporter You are in the wrong chat to think torching the government will turn us off

JQuickDraw Supporter TRUMP 2024 / Bring back the god emperor

jbsx the ONE guy nobody knows

Guyinroom83 Trump inspired me to grab life by the pussy.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Ah, sir. This is a Wendy's."

Qriist Supporter i do indeed like pussy

RonGreen1 I'm voting for Manual Labor for president of Mexico.

JQuickDraw Supporter 8D underwater chessmaster, orange warrior defeating the deepthroat state


JQuickDraw Supporter The internet IS pron

jbsx When Filmore got elected president, there were only 53 other people in the country named millard
thrasybulus Andrew Jackson founder of the Democratic Party spread slavery across the south after 1812, genocided the Cherokee. Trail of Tears anyone?
Fun fact: Millard Fillmore is the only president with 4 Ls in his name. He also installed the first toilet in the white house


Qriist Supporter PUSSY CATS

Qriist Supporter OBVIOUSLY

Qriist Supporter DUH

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ His initials were also M. F.


ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ *One

Qriist Supporter <3

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ We didn't ban that Gym guy, did we?

Qriist Supporter all dongs* are male


JQuickDraw Supporter His name is a "L" bukakke

Guyinroom83 Hail trump.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Nixon's middle name was Millhouse, and Biden's middle name is Robinette.

Guyinroom83 Praise be to Him, #45.

Qriist Supporter I mean, the Bible has all kinds of magic in it

JQuickDraw Supporter Did you mean "Heil Trump?"

JQuickDraw Supporter My favorite part of the bible is when the bald wizard summons a bear to maul the kids making fun of his bald head. (Not a joke, look it up)

Guyinroom83 Yes, sorry m'lord (trump)
thrasybulus Nero played a stringed instrument, but not while the Christians burned Rome.
thrasybulus Sex and the City misled a generation of women.

h8yourst8 Supporter he seemed nicer than callin guy
thrasybulus Trump is way too centerist for me.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ There's all sorts of talk about the chemical oxytocin, and how it affects the sexes differently. The theory is that women develop feelings quickly, and can burn out the oxytocin, and fail to...

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ ...pair-bond. While men gain feelings over a long period of time, and those feelings stay. All because of oxytocin.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Trump is left of Bill Clinton policy wise as far as I can tell

Qriist Supporter "He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys."

Qriist Supporter DUDE MAULED 42 BEARS

Qriist Supporter ahahaha

Qriist Supporter 42 kids*

JQuickDraw Supporter lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ What constitutes left and right has changed a lot in three decades

Qriist Supporter ya
thrasybulus @NotHillbilly I know a bunch of things. Have to look up a little, like show links on imdb.

Qriist Supporter I like AQ's You Can Be Loud As The Hell You Want

h8yourst8 Supporter so alex doesn't like shorts or underwear

jbsx she doesn't like short underwear?

Guyinroom83 Verl is more than a little racist, let's be honest.

Qriist Supporter the best part is ithe kid-mauling was fucking holy

Qriist Supporter IN THE NAME OF THE LORD

JQuickDraw Supporter Don't mock the bald, dude
thrasybulus 42 bears are at the pride parade.

h8yourst8 Supporter mauled the boys

RonGreen1 There are no young boys on Kodiak Island.😂
thrasybulus Russell Brand is getting the Rommy Tobinson treatment by the UK govt. Prison sentence inbound.
thrasybulus The censorship is working...

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I don't know. Seems like it is a crime to have sex with that guy
thrasybulus "I shouldn't be able to attack mainstream media on this channel" No idea why the MSM would do hit pieces on him...

Qriist Supporter no, the media reached out to them

Qriist Supporter it's in the reporting
thrasybulus More MSM hitpieces on their sex lives: Brand or Hunter Biden? Brand is likely in the lead.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ The first released female account is also obviously AI-generated.
thrasybulus Tutorial on how to document the texts on someones phone brought to you by someone's ex-girlfriend.

Guyinroom83 There's a criminal profiler, Pat Brown, on YouTube, she made a fake me too story about tommy Chong and people believed it and called her, including a lawyer. It's on her website

Guyinroom83 She made it to prove how easy it is to make a fake story too

Guyinroom83 Yep

Qriist Supporter "All said they felt ready to speak only after being approached by reporters."

Qriist Supporter

h8yourst8 Supporter 20 years of your brain reorganizing and recreating the memory of what happened.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Bloomers

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Pantaloons

h8yourst8 Supporter knickers
thrasybulus I regret a bunch of classes, nor did I consent to school. Does that mean my elementary school teachers brainra ped me?

h8yourst8 Supporter pants cover your fanny

Qriist Supporter Alex, come on man. Russel Brand obviously grabbed them by the feline.

RonGreen1 Don't. Stop. Don't. Stop. Don't stop. Don't stop. Punctuation matters.😂

h8yourst8 Supporter needs an oxford comma

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ If I'm not supposed to believe Tara Reade, then I'm also not going to believe these news reports.

DD2141992 V For Vendetta anyone.

Qriist Supporter The best part about Britain's request is that they managed to violate just about the only part of the magna carta that is still in effect.

RonGreen1 We already told the UK once before to go suck donkey balls. They don't want to go there again. It won't end well for them.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Danny Mastersons wife stayed with him until after the conviction

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Fun fact: The reason the word "pants" is a singular plural word is because pants used to be individual pieces - or a pant - for each leg.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am not sure if more than one signed the letter to Rumble. I believe it was just one parliament member

h8yourst8 Supporter i thought it was because they are only sold in pairs
thrasybulus UK libel law is easier to win in court for the libeled.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yep. A pair of pants.
thrasybulus Transferring all future rerun money to a trust for the exwife and kids.'

h8yourst8 Supporter lawyers are the worst

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ He must be concerned about finances

Qriist Supporter I have trail mix. Carry on.

h8yourst8 Supporter what's he holding in his hands?

Qriist Supporter boobies

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Canada also just passed a bill (I think the number was something like C119), that gives their federal government the power to censor content creators, and even seize their creations, and the profits.

h8yourst8 Supporter the bbc?

RonGreen1 Is he trying to show some cleavage?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Subliminal taunting of his victims

h8yourst8 Supporter re-victimizing them

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ direct plea for money

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hands up, don't shoot

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ it is $60

h8yourst8 Supporter why is he on rumble?!?!? why?

Guyinroom83 I feel raped.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am not sure if it is monthly or yearly. I would guess yearly

RonGreen1 He sounds British, but speaks like an Italian.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ X also does not provide reliable sources for income

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. Inforwars is on Rumble

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Well, Infowars has their own media platform.

Guyinroom83 Everything is on rumble

Guyinroom83 Musk is full of shit
thrasybulus Musk has been complying with the EU.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Musk is a hypocrit

RonGreen1 Infowars is on rumble
thrasybulus Ive seen listings for the live infowars feed.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ It all depends on whether actual criminal charges are filed

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ accusations mean nothing in the end

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Just like the Kavanaugh accusations

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Nothing came of it.

Qriist Supporter I'd laugh at Beverly too.

Qriist Supporter Vagisil helps with itchiness.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Has there been any indication charges will be filed? If so what jurisdiction?
thrasybulus Support the channel, because lawyers aren't cheap and court dates are likely coming...

Qriist Supporter @pbeaver as far as I can tell the accusations are far out of the statute of limitations

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Public trials are common now

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the effort in the media over the Idaho killings has been relentless

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ 30 to life for Masterson
thrasybulus Believe all the women whose accusations benefit our cause.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Masterson will be in a prison for at least two decades

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Depends on the jurisdiction and what pull he can muster

DD2141992 I am never alone with a woman For this very reason.

Qriist Supporter Convictions haunt a person in numerous ways that people don't really understand.
thrasybulus Pablo Escobar once surrendered and his deal allowed him to build and staff his prison. A hilltop mansion.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If the case for Masterson was in California he will not enjoy prison at all

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ He will need to join the Skinheads

JQuickDraw Supporter And if you try to escape while falsely imprisoned, even if they rule you innocent of the initial charges, they will imprison you for trying to escape, even though they admit you're innocent. Dafuq?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ or beg for solitary. Being a star he might find a quiet place to hide
thrasybulus Danny Masterson should claim this ordeal has made him realize he is a transwoman.
thrasybulus How hundreds of biological men INVADED women's prisons
thrasybulus It should be resisting legitimate arrest.
thrasybulus Everything we do is a crime.

Qriist Supporter Many years ago, my ex's step-dad slid off the icy road into a light pole. This happened at the intersection about 200 feet from their house. He went home to report the accident. Got cited for fleeing.

RonGreen1 Cops raping women is more common than most people know
thrasybulus People dress up as cops to take people hostage among other things. Not all cops are real. Just letting them put the cuffs on you and put you in the car can end badly.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ law enforcement is generally walking civil rights violations

h8yourst8 Supporter cop checkpoints are unconstitutional

RonGreen1 A cop's ego is the most dangerous thing to any citizen.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Most law enforcement funding on the state and county levels are from prison phone and media systems
thrasybulus Remember the fake Canadian cop who went on a shooting spree for days resulting in Trudeau trying to take away all Canuckistani firearms?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ such as tablets and video visitation deals with providers
thrasybulus Cops have got to be tempted to be corrupt. Money, power, sex.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I finally found it. Here is the recording of the first "victim" of Russell Brand. The whole dissertation sounds robotic, but just after the one-minute mark, listen to how the word "door"...

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ pronounced. this link is safe:

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Centralized law enforcement is bad

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Traditionally local law enforcement was better because the officers had a vested interest in a quality society
thrasybulus Decentralize please.
thrasybulus Guns are bad. The govt is bad. No one should have guns but the govt.
Daynapper guns is a distraction to keep you from realizing you are already disarmed
thrasybulus Stray dogs are not always nice. Nor are they always a domestic dog. Rabies, coyotes, wolves anyone.
thrasybulus Ren faire?

JQuickDraw Supporter RenFaire?

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Medieval Times
thrasybulus Byzantine color team chariot riots were a thing.

RonGreen1 I once lived on a street with a suicidal cat. It would run out in front of my car most every morning.

JQuickDraw Supporter One of the big problems with cops is the lack of accountability. It's stupid to expect perfection from any group. But only cops commit heinous acts, get investigated (by fellow cops), and cleared.
Daynapper this is what happens when you pay people to take on your responsibilities

JQuickDraw Supporter And the bad apple argument is flawed. If you're a "good" cop who is aware of the bad cops doing bad things and you do nothing about them, you're complicit in their actions.

Guyinroom83 Geez so uptight. A little murder didn't hurt nobody. Wait...

JQuickDraw Supporter I know murder is okay. I took a poll of every person who's ever been murdered and not a single one complained about being dead. Check and mate, you bleeding hearts.
Daynapper they probably got hired somewhere else and tax payers paid the fine

JQuickDraw Supporter Look up Coffee City, TX lol. A town of 250 people with a police force of 50. Lots of shenanigans going on there.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I have heard law enforcement people say that if you are pulled over by a cop, it is completely okay to drive a bit further in order to get to a safe well-lit place, and you can call 911 to find out...

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ ...if the police car behind you is legit.

RonGreen1 Gypsy cops, as they are called, are bad cops that move from dept. to dept.

RonGreen1 The entire Coffee City police department was recently fired.

h8yourst8 Supporter i heard they all got jobs in donut city though

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I didn't think that I needed orthopedic shoes, but now I stand corrected.

JQuickDraw Supporter I knew a woman who sold foot pads on the beach. She sold Dr Scholls on the seashore.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Coffee City is the Oakland Raiders of police departments

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ They hire any one. It appears many of the officers were fired from elsewhere

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Yes. Las Vegas now but the reputation originated in Oakland

Qriist Supporter FEDSURRECTION

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The FBI creates crimes

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ not that it is necessary other than it targets specific ideology. There is plenty of actual crime to investigate

JQuickDraw Supporter Law enforcement should only activate when someone reports a crime. Firefighters don't go out looking for fires.

JQuickDraw Supporter She looks like Typhoid Mary Poppins

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ The NFL did something like this a few years back. During Press Week (the week before the Super Bowl), the NFL forced a dress code on the players. A lot of the football players showed up...

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ the gaudiest zoot suits that you've ever seen.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Gaudiest Zoot Suit" is redundant. Zoot suits are by definition gaudy.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ It's like "infamous" to "famous".

JQuickDraw Supporter One rule for the elite and one rule for the peons. That's outrageous and should never happ-- oh wait

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Oh, Alex. That was Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister. That was quite a scene. I remember it well.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yeah, isn't that called "malicious compliance"?

JQuickDraw Supporter Zoot suits are what pimps wear when they're dressing "up"

Qriist Supporter The other big point is, if Fetterman is unable to wear a suit because of a stroke a year ago, then how on earth is he fit for office?

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yeah, Dee's speech was actually quite moving, and very poignant. It was the main reason the indecency laws were reeled back a lot.

Qriist Supporter The Dee Snider that confronted Congress would kick the shit out of the SJW Dee Snider of today.

RonGreen1 Zoot suits originated in the 1940's jazz scene.

JQuickDraw Supporter 11 servings a day my ass!

h8yourst8 Supporter malcolm x was a big zoot suit guy

RonGreen1 A man selling fruit on the side of the road. We need more of that.
spazzdla Are they selling shit on his front lawn...?I am assuming that :O
spazzdla *stuff

JQuickDraw Supporter Somehow I don't think the jabroni in this video was upset about fairness lol.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Plot twist: This guy owns the local grocery store.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, if they got sick at a restaurant that had been inspected, that just means they need MORE government. More inspections will fix it for sure.
spazzdla Not enough info indeed.. Side of the road aggressive.. my property warranted

RonGreen1 The crazed fool obviously hated fruits and vegetables.😂

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ It's bad because that fruit was not sprayed with wax and wrapped in plastic.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Plot twist: That guy is a vegan.

JQuickDraw Supporter The fruit wasn't genetically modified by Pfizer to vaccinate people.
spazzdla LOL :)

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Road-Adjacent Rage.

RonGreen1 Sidewalk rage.

JQuickDraw Supporter cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, oh my

Captainnickhead Hello all.

JQuickDraw Supporter greetings

JQuickDraw Supporter Roadside Rage

JQuickDraw Supporter Offroad Rage
spazzdla Loving the anti regulation. Right about the lack of details. I want to hope it was his property as I get it.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Sidewalk Shenanigans

JQuickDraw Supporter seething

Captainnickhead Side walk Spaz out.
spazzdla nice nice lol. perhaps he just really hated fruit LOL WHY ARE YOU NOT SELLING VEGGIESSSS

JQuickDraw Supporter Shoulder Shitstorm

spazzdla you must sell CARROTS lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Dick Dale

JQuickDraw Supporter Surfer guitar instrumentals

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I heard the song "Green Onions" for the first time in a long time recently, and I forgot how awesome of a song that is.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex was going behind Beverly's back for jokes.

RonGreen1 Beverly is the Joe Friday of her news beat.

h8yourst8 Supporter she won't like other people giving her snortgasms

JQuickDraw Supporter "I thought I was the only one who could make you snort!"

h8yourst8 Supporter i wonder if she ever fakes them

h8yourst8 Supporter "i faked every snortgasm"

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ We need to come up with an Urban Dictionary term for those women who absolutely love long-running B-cable shows, like "Supernatural" and "Stargate".

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ If you add up all of the seasons of all of the different variations of Stargate, isn't there like 20 seasons?
spazzdla goodnight all

JQuickDraw Supporter later

RonGreen1 PV was attacked immediately after the Pfizer scoop.

JQuickDraw Supporter All they wanted to do was stop his investigative journalism. Once he was out, they knew the money would dyr up and they didn't care.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I still miss Retracto.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Van Hagar was better than Van Halen.

h8yourst8 Supporter the retraction alpaca?

JQuickDraw Supporter Okay, Chicago, you've been drinking clearly. 5150 was shit.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yes, it was shit.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Panama! Yeah, Panama!"

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Jump! Yeah, Jump!"

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh Jimmy!

h8yourst8 Supporter extended remix!

RonGreen1 Biden's Bumbles could be an hourly thing.🤣

h8yourst8 Supporter i hate that guy

h8yourst8 Supporter rappaport 100% twat

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I'm actually concerned for Rappaport's mental stability.

h8yourst8 Supporter he should hang out with perlman

JQuickDraw Supporter I call Rappaport the albino pez dispenser.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex, you're "spirit writing" on the cube.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Rappaport is the reason gingers have a bad reputation.

JQuickDraw Supporter Someone should have photoshopped a grade schooler next to the guy in the photo.


JQuickDraw Supporter I can't take these retards in entertainment becoming political. They're embarrassing, and I mean to humanity, not any one group. Please stop. Please fucking stop.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I just realized that we haven't seen Janine Garofalo lately. What's she been up to? She was so vocal a decade ago.


RonGreen1 He sounds like somebody stole his girlfriend.

h8yourst8 Supporter he's completely disingenuous

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Hey, if you have heard of, and like the YouTube animator Meat Canyon, here is a hilarious video:

JQuickDraw Supporter Rappaport, Stephen King, Olbermann, Rob Reiner, they've just lost it.

h8yourst8 Supporter ron perlman seems the angriest of them all

RonGreen1 That was in Seattle

JQuickDraw Supporter She survived, stop whining. Insurance will make it all better.

RonGreen1 All they stole was candy and cigarettes.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "But not all people in Seattle are like that."

JQuickDraw Supporter I think it's about time for Mt St Helens to erupt again.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Even if this person did not vote, and they did not vote to be beaten and robbed, Seattle as a whole voted for the environment that allows this to happen.

h8yourst8 Supporter and it also assumes the elections aren't rigged, which they are

MudderFetcher nuance is not the language of the interzones

JQuickDraw Supporter That has nothing to do with the specific person in the video. The whole situation shows how wrong voting is.

RonGreen1 She was working for a living, so definitely not a liberal.

RonGreen1 Washington is mail in voting only.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Instructions unclear. Women no longer allowed to vote.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ No one votes for lawlessness or violence. Voters are usually sheep and vote for a projected image. Usually one that is not authentic or accurate. For both sides

RonGreen1 Oregon is only mail in only, also.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ And the voting systems are busted. Who knows if the will of the people is ever actually represented in the final results

JQuickDraw Supporter This is just your nightly reminder that Alex hales from the state that gave us John McCain. 🙂

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Fear works

Guyinroom83 Lmao

MudderFetcher I ran out of road

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ isn't the kick the can phrase the same as the slippery slope one

JQuickDraw Supporter And in the real world, they're actually arresting people for standing and praying outside abortion clinics.

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Brought to you by the Democrat Fever Dream Coalition."

MudderFetcher Orgasnort on standby

JQuickDraw Supporter Wait, is this the Babylon Bee?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Such efforts are largely successful

RonGreen1 Was that real or parody?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Didn't we see you holding hands with another man?" That's a chef's kiss line right there.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Parody is hard to determine these days

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Parody used to be obvious

RonGreen1 Either way, it was funny.🤣

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ It's enlightening to see what they really think reality is, and put into theater.

Guyinroom83 I believe it's real, bc it reminds me of the Republicans against Trump ads

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Ten bucks says it's Timothy Oliphant. That guy is in everything.

h8yourst8 Supporter brought to you by gym and callin

Guyinroom83 There was a Republicans against Trump ad once that was implying Trump would never leave office, somehow doing away with the 2 terms rule

ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Brought to you by Republicans Are The Boogeyman."

JQuickDraw Supporter The woman in the ad asking about holding hands reminded me of the preacher woman from the movie The Mist, Marcia Gay Harden I think.

JQuickDraw Supporter He's turning Asian.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ You voted for that

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ haha

Guyinroom83 Pedo pete looking good

h8yourst8 Supporter winning

MudderFetcher Biden was quoting Robert Byrd

Guyinroom83 We have a lot of those breakfast tacos getting shipped here to NYC lately

RonGreen1 American media can try to pump up Biden, but world leaders know he's a clown show.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I am making an assumption

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Someone needs to be held accountable

Guyinroom83 I did vote trump in 2020. Didn't vote in 2016
Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++
High five for each lady. Great show.

h8yourst8 Supporter thank you for all the emotional support

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I qualify as an emotional support animal

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

RonGreen1 Awesome. Gnite all 👋

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ But stay away from my logs

JQuickDraw Supporter 38 watching 👏

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Bye

JQuickDraw Supporter Lator Gators

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