Saudi Arabia & Russia's SECRET PLOT to Cripple the U.S. Economy!

9 months ago

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As the 2024 election approaches, concerns are rising about the potential impact on gas prices. Saudi Arabia's stance raises questions about its willingness to assist the U.S. Zelensky's urgent visit to the U.S. seeks additional taxpayer funds for Ukraine, while the border crisis escalates, with thousands entering illegally. Even New York is overwhelmed.

While Zelensky seeks aid, General Mark Milley argues that America can afford it, despite mounting national debt. However, not everyone agrees with this assessment, and funding remains a contentious issue. Mitch McCarthy's rejection of a joint meeting with Congress adds complexity to the situation.

A government shutdown looms in ten days if no spending package deal is reached. Zelensky's visit could influence Democrats to secure Ukrainian funding within the bill. Nevertheless, Republican Senator Rand Paul opposes further aid to Ukraine, potentially thwarting these plans.

The border crisis intensifies, with children endangered by smugglers. The Biden administration's leniency toward migrants encourages illegal border crossings. Donald Trump promises tough border policies if re-elected.

Insider sources report overcrowded border patrol stations and "process and release" procedures, encouraging more illegal crossings. CNN acknowledges the administration's passive stance on gas prices, dependent on external factors.

Saudi Arabia's response to Iran's nuclear threat sparks regional tensions. Lin Wood agrees to testify about election interference in Georgia. President Biden targets Norfolk Southern after a train derailment disaster. SpaceX countersues the DOJ for alleged immigration law violations.

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Keywords in this video: Gas prices, 2024 election, Saudi Arabia, Money laundering, Joe Biden, Taxpayer money, Border crisis, Illegal immigration, New York, YouTube videos, Government shutdown, Spending package, Mitch McCarthy, Congressional meeting, Ukrainian funding, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Smugglers, Migrant safety, Border crossings, Biden administration, Open Borders policy, Domestic deportation, Department of Homeland Security, Breitbart news, Border patrol stations, Process and release, Kayla Tausche, Gas price impact, Economy, Saudi Arabia and Russia, Nuclear weapon, Lin Wood, Election interference, Fake media, Ohio train derailment, Norfolk Southern, Poisoned air, Executive order, Elon Musk, SpaceX, DOJ countersuit, Immigration law, Seventh Amendment, Administrative agency

#Biden #trump #dailynews #saudiarabia

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