The Land of Make Believe

9 months ago

Thought it might be a good time to have a nice little chat about the land of make believe we find ourselves in, and what we need to to to navigate the continuing agenda unfolding before us now that the fecal matter has violently struck the air conditioning unit.

The first thing we must face up to is that IT'S ALL PRETEND...

They pretended that the seasonal flu was a new deadly virus
They pretended that injections do anything but create auto immune damage.
They are pretending that the hundreds of thousands of people who have died suddenly and mysteriously were not murdered by injection.
The will pretend that when millions more die suddenly, they had no idea that the injections would do that.
They are pretending that they did not get their orders to implement lockdowns and Covid restrictions from the Bilderberg Group meeting.
They are pretending that spraying poisons in the air is somehow helping the climate.
They are pretending that a dangerous neuro-toxin added to the water helps our teeth.
They are pretending that they haven't put radio frequency weapons on every other street corner.
They are pretending that the television was created to inform and entertain you.
They are pretending that they haven't been quietly destroying the food infrastructure for the past decade or more.
They are pretending that the utilities are not yours to use freely.
They are pretending that there is scarcity in this world.
They are pretending that they are working for the benefit of the people.
They are pretending that they were not just educating you to be an obedient worker.
They are pretending they haven't been working towards the "great reset" for hundreds of years

Ad Infinitum, Ad Nauseum...

Time for us to stop pretending that they are not doing all of this and more!

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