Many US governors are compromised by the CCP

1 year ago

09/14/2023 Nicole on Wayne Dupree Podcast: In 2019, the China-US Governors Forum held a conference in Kentucky. Governors from China and the US were there to discuss how to strengthen relations, trade and more. Every meeting between US officials and CCP officials is recorded by the CCP. Although the mainstream media in the US did not report them, the New Federal State of China can provide the receipts.
09/14/2023 妮可做客Wayne Dupree Podcast:2019年,中美省州长论坛在肯塔基州举办了一次大会。来自中共国的省长和美国的州长们在那里讨论如何加强彼此之间的关系、贸易等等。每次美国官员与中国共产党官员的会面都会被中共记录在案。虽然美国主流媒体没有报道,但新中国联邦会提供相关证据。

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