Have Survival Games Peaked? - Scribe Speaks

8 months ago

Hello fellow Traveler and welcome to The Hard Light Network!

Have you ever been stranded? Lost in the woods, or stuck in an unfamiliar place with no sense of direction? Survival games allow us the opportunity to test ourselves in these scenarios from the comfort of our homes, but when was the last time you played a survival game that wasn't just a hunger bar attached to your favorite First Person Shooter? Have Survival games peaked?

For all of the beasts, outlaws, and monsters populating the multiverse, Nature tops them all as an adversary. Battling the elements has been humanity's longest standing conflict. A never ending struggle that requires constant vigilance against an enemy that will quite literally, always exist. Hunger, Thirst, Disease, and Exposure, all persistent severe and subtle dangers that threaten not only us, but everyone else as well. Humanity's ability to adapt, outthink and when all else fails muscle through some of the world's most hostile environments is the key to our collective success. Long term solutions, often require short term sacrifices, and dedication to a plan. Consistency is the number one factor that determines a community's ultimate survival.

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