Dollar vs. Gold Rally | What’s Really Happening in the Economy? | The Gold Spot

9 months ago

There always seems to be a massive gap between how the media reports the economic situation and the reality consumers feel on the ground. While the political class touts a major dollar rally, the American people feel the squeeze as the cost of living continues to grow.

In reality, the dollar index which tracks USD strength doesn’t take relevant market factors into account. Most notably, inflation isn’t baked into the equation. As a result, a booming dollar might only be strong when compared to other currencies.

A quick glance at other indicators immediately reveals pervasive economic weakness. both US debt and American credit card debt just reached all-time highs, underscoring the country’s spending problems.

Meanwhile, central bank gold purchases remain strong as countries seek to hedge against mounting pressures and growing uncertainty. China, once again, is leading the gold buying, but Japan, India, and other emerging economies are topping off reserves too.

Watch this week’s The Gold Spot to hear Sr. Precious Metals Advisor Steve Rand and Information Consultant Sebastian Gonzales pull back the curtain on the gold rally, explain the delayed pressures on the US economy, and why gold demand is ramping up exponentially.


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