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Million Mamma Bear March In Ottawa: Canadians Take To The Streets To Protest LGBT Tranny Groomers

1 year ago

People of all faiths are uniting against the pedophiles in Canada.
Laure-Lynn Tyler Thompson is here to talk about the million man march that took place in Ottawa this week.
This is a war for our children.
Justin Trudeau defiantly tweeted that he stands with the child groomers and pedophiles.
Schools in Canada have allowed sex books for kids to corrupt the minds of little ones.
They are propagandizing children in schools to think about sex constantly.
Parents in Canada are now rising up.
Justin Trudeau has allowed immigrants to make Canada multicultural.
Ironically, all of these different people groups are rejecting the Godless trans sex religion being forced on their children.
Canadian Bill C4 is an atrocity against the people.
It would make it a criminal offense if someone tells a child they should not go through gender transition.
This bill would jail parents if you will not allow your child to be sexually mutilated.
This is very similar to Daniel chapter 3 when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the false idol.
It’s time to fight back against this tyranny.
Families are being destroyed because of the Trans ideology.
We must protect our children at all costs.
Watch this new segment NOW at https://StewPeters.com!


  • 0/2000
  • This was only one of the protests held across Canada on Sept. 20th Stew. It was named the million person walk. Major cites in every province held these protests and some walked to the Board of Education offices. Cupe Union members staged a counter protest. Disgusting pigs who are Mother's, Fathers, and Grandparents but the Government pays them so they sold their souls. They are all satanic

  • Truth must prevail❗

  • Government has become Satan's operatives!

  • the next parade leave the kids at home and bring your bats

  • we need to go back to news papers,,, not perfect but back then people were better at discerment!!!,,, this internet media format is manipulative!!!

  • Sick freaks!

  • cant share this on social media, the word tranny is banned it will lose peoples accounts,. try to work around it dude

  • It’s a scary time in America right now, Donald Trump appears to be the only nominee that will be going up against the Democrats, and don’t get me wrong, I’m not in favor of any of the slate of other republican nominees of which most if not, all are rhinos, and I of course don’t support the commie DeSantis, but it appears we are not going to have another option and so I would encourage a person like Stew Peters to run for office, I know Mike Lindell won’t run for office because he walks behind Donald Trump like a collie and a good little puppy so he’s not going to run against Donald Trump, but there are several candidates in this freedom movement that I would be more than happy to support… The masses of the people the conservatives/masses of the people have boxed ourselves into a corner and I think with dishonest elections Donald Trump will just walk away after losing and say oh well they cheated the elections and everybody’s gonna say oh he’s a genius because he has exposed them and we are now on the verge again of taking back our country… If he does win I mean, I hope he goes in there and tries these people for treason Biden, Bush Obama Gates, Soros, etc. etc. etc. But I personally don’t trust the man that shut down our economy, and then said there’s nothing he can do about it and still claims the deadly bioweapon vaccines as a good thing… He’s now coming out and saying that he is for abortion and he’s always been for homosexuals, what about him is conservative???

  • We must stand united!

  • We are still too few in Canada....it's gonna have to get worse still for half the idiots to wake the F#$K UP😎

  • There is a new book out by Liz Wheeler - she exposes the Marxists and their Marxist agenda behind this attack on our children. She states everything is on the line and defeat in NOT an option......

  • Stew. Do you believe in Replacement Theology?

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  • TranstiFa likes having sex with children, that's why they hide their faces when they show up to a LGBT protest or a counter protest. They should be labeled a terrorist organization.

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  • Who are the ones behind this agenda? Somehow I think this relates to Stew's excellent interview with EMJ.

    1 like
  • Laura-Lynn, the only reason I would listen to this guy is that he is on your show.

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