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What Is a Notice

1 year ago


  • 0/2000
  • ✝️boom, landed; copy and share everywhere!✝️

  • Good job. Gives us NH reps a lot to think about. www.GoHardWithGerhard.com

  • This is outstanding. We are in Oklahoma and trying to learn from David and you. Please keep posting what you learn and your experiences, especially your wins. Joe Flack

  • Love it. Please do another.

  • Thank you for sharing your experience & knowledge. Just beginning this journey to help take back our country. Sharing this all over in hopes to wake the masses, & get them to join in this battle. God Bless you

  • This video is an excellent in-depth presentation to help teach the people how to stand in their authority over government servants and to instruct them in a lawful and binding manner. It is our duty and responsibility to understand the fundamental principles of law and our 51 constitutions in order prevent and or shut down government overreach. Everyone who is serious about their commitment to restore our Republic should become educated and get involved in this process.

  • Lots of good information and laid out clearly. You're right, notice is a foundational piece in our authority over our public servants. I suggest stepping it up at times when they are ignoring a notice, to make it a Public Notice, in the county newspapers of record. Call them out for all the region to witness. Like shining a brighter light on the cockroaches, they don't like it. Might also help for understanding; the reason the "attorneys" consider this illegitimate, besides being bought and paid for, they operate in a completely different jurisdiction, that of Administrative Law, which has no constitutional authority. That is the BAR Association's entire game, a contrivance of law and behind the curtains shift of jurisdiction, greatly aided by the total lack of understanding of jurisdiction by the public as well as the public servants. The BAR Association set up their own private sandbox and then created all kinds of inroads through "applications" and "permits & Licenses" topped off with benefits that you can't enjoy without stepping into their sandbox and out of the constitutional republic. They've been monopolizing our justice system for so long, most of them now honestly believe that their limited little sandbox is all there is. Given they've been taught that they are the aristocracy of their sandbox, they really don't want to give that up.