Solar powered lithium iron battery backup systems. Windy Solar Capital

1 year ago

New community in Tampa area. Selling a ton of our solar powered and charged, lithium iron (yes not ion, just Google thermal runaway. ESP if u own a Tesla. Scary stuff) battery back up systems. Only takes 3-4 Solar panels on roof or in a lil yard fixture or structure to power the system. Power goes out more than a day or 2. Yeah u have a diesel generator u paid way too much for, but after those couple days. No diesel fuel left. Anywhere. Big daddy govt steps in. Starts rationing for all their needs. And buses and transportation industries. U are screwed. Many clients we met or talked to said their system took a day or 2 to turn on. No one thinks to go test it every month. Cut your main panel off. These are trickle charged daily. And are sized to last weeks. We create a new sub panel to feed when power goes down. And boom. In milliseconds it’s turned on when it senses the grid is down at the house. Lights don’t even flick. And guess who after a couple days is the king of the block. Charge admission to watch the buccaneers game lol. And for your ice cold beer. Drop us an inquiry online and we will get back to u asap. Tax credits and incentives cover an astounding 32% or more of entire cost is solar systems, battery back up systems, energy efficiency and management systems we install in every state. 58% of entire cost or more covered for any of these things for your business or back yard office We build adus. Offices. Yoga studios. Bunkers. Want an actual office in the back yard? We have many prefabs that can be in your yard finished in 5 weeks. And are solar powered. Hafta people. Hard fixed tangible assets. Call any good builder or construction co. They are Months or years out on new business.

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