Texas hogs taken out with Trijicon and Pulsar Thermals

6 years ago

Equipment used Trijicon 60mm IR Hunter MK3 on LWRC REPR MK2 .308

Pulsar XP50 Trail on CMMG 22 nosler.

Feral swine are not considered game animals in Texas and may be hunted by any means or methods at any time of year.

Wild boar, or feral hogs, are a non-native and invasive species in Texas. Each year hogs cause millions of dollars in damage in the form of damaged crops, contaminated water supplies, broken equipment, transmission of disease and injury to livestock.

Feral hogs compete with native wildlife for resources and also prey directly on the eggs and young of ground nesting birds and will actively hunt small mammals, frogs, lizards and snakes.
Hog are highly intelligence, adaptive, and have prolific breeding habits, traditional methods of hunting and trapping have been largely ineffective in reducing the feral hog population. The introduction of night vision and thermal optics has greatly increased landowners' ability to mitigate the destruction caused by feral hogs.

More information about the feral hog problem in Texas can be found at following link: http://bit.ly/FeralHogsInTexas

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