Deceitful Bible Scholars

9 months ago

God’s truth is simple. The greatest deception threatening true Christians in this end time is vain intellectualism. Here's how to combat the deadly weapon of worldly philosophy.


While on Earth, Jesus Christ issued a strong end-time warning to true Christians: Avoid deception by holding on to the foundational truth I taught! Despite this warning, millions of professing Christians have been tricked into accepting a message about Christ the man instead of the message He actually delivered to mankind.

Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet Colossians to expose the 2000-year conspiracy against Jesus Christ’s true gospel message. Understand how the satanic attack on God’s Church in the first century parallels the spiritual destruction in this end time. Learn how to withstand religious deception and follow the real Head of the one true Church: Jesus Christ.

Study the Colossians booklet along with your Bible for a thunderous warning against vain reasoning and intellectual thinking. Discover the guaranteed way to never be deceived by the devil. The key to rejecting deception is so simple yet so rarely used, even by God’s own people.

Also request our free book Mystery of the Ages for the astounding answers to life’s most important questions: who you are, why you exist, and your awesome potential. Unlock God’s plan for man, angels, Israel, the Church, the Earth, and the universe.

Mystery of the Ages is a riveting, easy-to-understand synopsis of the entire Bible. For those willing to keep an open mind, studying Mystery of the Ages and the Bible together offers a life-changing thrill. God’s truth is pure and plain. You will marvel at the simplicity of Jesus Christ and the message He now delivers through God’s Church.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet Overcoming Satan. Our adversary is vastly more powerful than we are. Thankfully, we do not have to fight alone. Understand the universe-shaking power you need in your life each day to conquer the devil.

Study Satan’s devastating tactics, chiefly the worldly philosophy and vain deceit that have ruined so many spiritual lives in this end time. The devil is remarkably effective at convincing humans that we are far smarter and more capable than we really are. He causes us to exalt our own thinking as a kind of god. But you don’t have to fall prey to this crippling mental and spiritual trap. You can overcome Satan.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Colossians, Mystery of the Ages, and Overcoming Satan. Order now!

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