How To apply Soft Approval For Amazon FBA Wholesale

8 months ago

If you're looking into wholesaling on Amazon FBA, it's imperative to ensure that you have the right to sell the products, especially if they're branded. Brands sometimes restrict who can sell their products on platforms like Amazon to protect their brand image, pricing, and customer experience. Getting "soft approval" might refer to getting initial permission or an understanding with a brand before moving forward more formally.
Here are steps you could take:
Research Brands or Distributors: Before you reach out, make sure you've done your research. Understand the products, market demand, competition, and, most importantly, whether the brand has any restrictions on selling on Amazon.
Initial Contact: Your first point of contact should be professional. Introduce yourself, your business, and your intentions. Express your interest in their products and mention that you'd like to sell them on Amazon.
Seek Soft Approval: Here, you could ask for a tentative agreement. For instance, "Would you be open to a trial period where we list your products on Amazon?" The idea is to get them to consider the possibility without committing fully. This soft approval would be a green light to further explore the opportunity.
Provide Value Proposition: Brands want to know why they should let you sell their products. Are you offering to buy in bulk? Can you guarantee a certain volume of sales? Will you maintain the integrity of their brand? Offering a value proposition can help secure soft (and later, hard) approval.
Official Agreement: If they seem open to the idea based on your initial discussions, proceed with more formal agreements. This might involve drafting contracts, setting out terms and conditions, pricing, etc.
Follow Amazon's Policies: Ensure you follow all of Amazon's policies, especially those related to product listing, authenticity, and brand registry. If the brand you're working with is registered with Amazon's Brand Registry, they might need to grant you permission to list their products.
Keep Communication Open: Even after getting soft or full approval, maintain an open line of communication with your distributor or brand. If they have concerns or issues, address them promptly.
Review & Adjust: Periodically review your performance, sales, and relationship with the brand or distributor. If the trial period was successful, consider discussing more long-term agreements.

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