Rhesus Negative: Invasion - Sci-fi conspiracy thriller

8 months ago

Film or Not presents the sci-fi thriller 'Rhesus Negative: Invasion.'

Email for investors: yakovski -at- abv.bg

Format: Film production 90'
Language: English

Disclaimer: Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the story without our express permission is prohibited. If you are interested in collaborating with us, developing these stories further, read the scripts/materials, or exploring partnership opportunities, we'd love to hear from you. These stories are the result of hard work, creativity, and dedication by our talented teams.

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Amidst the veneer of our familiar world, a hidden hierarchy of alien beings reigns supreme. These beings, far superior in technology and intellect, have steered humanity's course, orchestrating our technological advancements while insidiously pulling the strings of global events.

Their grand design revolves around a sinister purpose: humans are a vital source for the survival of their species. Kept in the dark, humans remain oblivious to our true role, a mere cattle for blood harvest.

As the aliens consolidate their power through puppet leaders and clandestine agreements, a schism emerges within their ranks. From the alien perspective, we witness their intricate power struggles, their ideological debates, way different than the one we know.

The audience is immersed in the heart of this cosmic clash, teetering on the precipice of revelation. "Rhesus Negative: Invasion" offers a unique viewpoint, challenging our perceptions of power, control, and the value of life itself.

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In a world secretly dominated by advanced extraterrestrials, humanity unwittingly serves as a vital resource – their blood. As the aliens subtly manipulate global affairs, a rift emerges among their own kind, leading to a clash of ideologies that threatens their carefully maintained control.

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#SciFiThriller #AlienConspiracy #Extraterrestrial #WorldControl #FilmTrailer

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