The Enemy of Ignorance

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
Knowledge empowers and truth shows up the lies ….. but truth needs to be sought out amidst all the information and ‘propaganda’ being thrown out at us. Truth is in my view ‘the enemy of ignorance’ and it shall prevail, especially with all the good people out there sharing truth darts and arrows and lassoing the lies!! Empower yourselves and our young with knowledge and truth.

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Poem Wording:-

The Enemy of Ignorance

What is ignorance – but what we choose to ignore?
How does it happen, when there are truths and facts galore?
By ‘giving over our power’, without any detection
But, by ‘our defection’ from engagement and responsibility.

Resist the trip-off round the world, on the bandwagon of ‘woke’
Be awake, don’t be their spoke – think of going ‘bespoke’
Have you heard, through their herd of bots, trolls and shills?
Or are you questioning and checking – using your own skills?

Look it up, check it out.
Do not act when you are in doubt.
Research, reflect, discuss, debate.
Then real truth you can truly state.

Define, discern – see through their machinations,
Allow no more moves to us ‘checkmate’, before it’s too late.
See the media lies, pushing strife and division.
Putting out messages in ‘the news’ and through television,
To a captivated audience – via their ‘trusted news network’s’, one world vision.

Do the homework,
get your research mode on.
Then do your revision.
Try not to be lead blindly in any decision.

Transitional Times Poem Collection

Good Overview of Trusted News Initiative (referred to above as Trusted News Network) available in link below … at 38 minutes in for c11 minutes

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