…what are the rules of contract?

1 year ago

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what are the rules of contract
13.53 ulez
13.59 ulez cameras
14.14ulez hahaha
14.59 ulez destroyed again
15.27 sansburys criminals
17.21 no mistakes
20.24 vax cancer
22.49 vax dont matter
25.17 apple ceo dont use the phone all the time
28.14 cancer cured his cancer
31.15 cancer cures
36.17 costipation
39.07 abtibiotic
39.36 Cayenne pepper
42.00 all we require
42.57 alzheimers cure
44.02 celtic salt
44.51 colon
48.48 wonder why we get sick
49.43 what dont they lie about
51.07 kids for sale

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…what are the rules of contract?

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