Time to Bury the Collapsing Oligarchical System

1 year ago

At the United Nations, a battle is underway, between those in the TransAtlantic demanding the continuation of their imperial order, and those from the Global South, who are standing up for a policy of cooperation for mutual benefit. While Biden and Zelensky read scripts for more war, written by the cartels of the Empire, a new spirit has arisen among the former colonies, demanding an end to neocolonial looting. And while King Charles is cavorting with France's Macron, conspiring to establish a new Entente Cordiale, African nations are in an open revolt against their continued enslavement to institutions such as the IMF.

Where do you stand? Circulate Helga Zepp-LaRouche's letter to heads of state at the U.N. General Assembly meeting underway in New York:

Image: Agência Brasil

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