If the US truly cares about international peace, it should work with the NFSC to take down the CCP

1 year ago

9/21/2023 【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Grant Stinchfield: The CCP wants to see the U.S. drained dry by supporting Ukraine, and then they can do whatever they want on the world stage. Nicole Tsai: That's exactly why the CCP is colluding with Russia and all the countries under U.S. sanctions! If the U.S. really cares about international peace and security, it should work with the NFSC and rally around the entire international community to take down the CCP by decoupling from it!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/21/2023 【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:中共希望看到美国因支持乌克兰而耗尽国力,然后他们就可以在世界舞台上为所欲为。妮可:这正是中共与俄罗斯等所有被美国制裁的国家沆瀣一气的目的!如果美国真的关心国际和平与安全,就应该和新中国联邦合作并团结整个国际社会来跟中共脱钩从而消灭中共!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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