Does @SethBorden Fake Videos?

1 year ago

Does @SethBorden Fake Videos? Howdy Doody YouTube, If you don't know who I am I'm Bayou the founder, owner, and Lead Investigator of BA Paranormal And Research. I've been a Paranormal Investigator for over 10 years and I'm sick and tired of fake ghost-hunting videos that are everywhere. Making Real Paranormal Investigators look fake and we are not FAKE!! In today's video, the group of fakers led by Sam and Colby, the biggest fakers of all time. They are in a hospital that claims to be haunted. They claimed to found a demon, in a hospital? Why would a demon be in a hospital? Anyway, they claim to have found it and it was scary. In an unknown hospital somewhere. Come on, there are not demons everywhere. Unless Sam & Colby are there, then there are demons lol

Commentary and Criticism!!! is under Fair Use. This is a reaction video. This is just my opinion and reaction to Seth Borden and his video. And to ensure it's legal, we made significant changes to the video and audio to ensure this video follows the law.

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