Magical Cleansing and Purification Basics

1 year ago

In Magical Cleansing and Purification Basics I cover basic cleansing methods in three categories. These are the ones that I have found useful over the years. I hope these are useful for you too.

Purification and Cleansings Definitions:
Purification is the act of making oneself free from evil or guilt, but this can also be something free from any contamination or foreign elements.
A cleansing is also an act of removal from any debilitating elements in our spirit.

Religious Purifications

There are different types of purification: religious, ritual, folk

The state of the soul is important to classical magic.

The Greeks believed that the closer to God we became the more we were ascended in Greek Philosophy in the Platonic traditions, like Neoplatonism.

Catholics have a purification in the state of grace. There are two states of grace:
Actual grace gives the person to act according to the will of God.
Sanctifying grace allows us to share his life and love.

In some cases, we find in the grimoire tradition and Neoplatonic traditions that the state of the souls was more important than charging the seal, sigil or image.

Prayer and confession were used in ritual to summon the intelligences and to have them imbue their essence into talisman.

Ancient Egyptian 42 Judges
1- I have not committed sin
2- I have not committed robbery with violence
3- I have not stolen
4- I have not slain men and women
5- I have not stolen food
6- I have not swindled offerings
7- I have not stolen from God
8- I have not told lies
9- I have not carried away food
10- I have not cursed
11- I have not closed my ears to truth
12- I have not committed adultery
13- I have not made anyone cry
14- I have not felt sorrow without reason
15- I have not assaulted anyone
16- I am not deceitful
17- I have not stolen anyone’s land
18- I have not been an eavesdropper
19- I have not falsely accused anyone
20- I have not been angry without reason

The Pythagorean Golden Verses
1. First worship the Immortal Gods, as they are established and ordained by the Law.
2. Reverence the Oath, and next the Heroes, full of goodness and light.
3. Honour likewise the Terrestrial Dæmons by rendering them the worship lawfully due to them.
4. Honour likewise thy parents, and those most nearly related to thee.
5. Of all the rest of mankind, make him thy friend who distinguishes himself by his virtue.
6. Always give ear to his mild exhortations, and take example from his virtuous and useful actions.
7. Avoid as much as possible hating thy friend for a slight fault.
8. [And understand that] power is a near neighbour to necessity.
9. Know that all these things are as I have told thee; and accustom thyself to overcome and vanquish these passions:--
10. First gluttony, sloth, sensuality, and anger.
11. Do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately;
12. But above all things respect thyself.

The ancient Greeks purified themselves by a washing or sprinkling, suffumigation, rubbing off with mud or bran, spring water and sea water could cleanse, and animal sacrifice.

Ritual Purification

The magician is stepping into a holy place.

Cleanliness is Godliness.
1. Clean clothes.
2. Clean ritual space.
3. Consecrated tools with long prayers and besmoking and holy water.

Reference the KoS!

1. Fasting
2. Sobriety
3. Sexual Abstinence
4. Prayer
5. The Psalms

Folk Cleansings and Purification

Florida water was invented in 1808. It was later attributed to cleansing techniques in folk practices, such as Hoodoo

Holy Water and Holy Oil were popular methods of purification.

Sage is used for ceremonial cleansing.

Crucifixes are great for keeping a room clean of negative energy.

Pine Sol is considered protective because of its pine ingredients.

Salt baths with Psalm 51 is powerful.

The Besom can he used to drive away negative energy from a room.

Move your actions downward to drive away negativity and upwards to draw in energy.

Frankincense and myrrh are powerful when used in a room because it was the gifts given to Jesus at his birth.

Pythagorean Golden Verses:

The 42 Laws of Maat:

The Veritable Key of Solomon published by David Rankine and Stephen Skinner

How the ancient Greeks Purified:

The Book of Arbamelin compiled by Georg Deh and translated by Stephen Guth

Hoodoo Cleansing and Protection Magic by Lady Aida

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