Clips of Important Info Maui CoverUp- FEMA MURDERING PEOPLE !!

9 months ago

This is a video of some show called PeterGshow. I posted this because it has some different and potentially earth-shattering information. Advance it past his ramblings to get to the links he posted about FEMA murdering people and burrying bodies in mass graves. Use your judgement. But we have NOT heard from the parents of the missing children who were incinerated. Were they murdered as part of the cover up?

We do not know, anything is possible now. "They" are counting on people not being able to fathum the evil that is being perpertrated and will not believe it.
Well we had better believe it folks and UNITE TO FIGHT.
We must go down on this hill folks.... Maui is the Heart Chakra of Hawaii a very Spiritual Vortex. We can not let them get away with this mass murder that was very obviously a Direct Energy Weapon. No way.

Please do what I did and contact both and ask Kennedy to help Maui, and and appeal to them for HELP. Children were incinerated and whole families.
We have to expose this or next time it could be us!!!
Do not be silent. Expose this. Get ahold of Kennedy and CHD PLEASE!!!!

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