Russell Brand: Awakening?

7 months ago

Only a relative few see through Russell Brand yet hardly anyone's calling him out. I mean, what a showman; what a JOKER: a grinning court jester and one of the most conspicuous *spiritual narcissists* striding the world stage today. His hordes of crackbrained followers are a huge concern: it's almost impossible to reach "awakened" people, they simply can't comprehend that they're recipients of advanced spiritual deception. It just doesn't compute.

Alarmingly Russ has become a spiritual guru to many beguiled by his smarmy blarney (fancy rhetoric). What's terrifying is his - and their - BLINDNESS to sin and evil: such things don't exist in their self-approving, new age virtual (but not quite) realities.

Some influential christians are impressed by Russell, chiefly because he addresses conspiracies and champions "freedom" - which we all wanna retain. But it's irksome to see christians laud Russell 'cos - aside from idolatry and the kundalini - he practises Earth Magik. I've seen him waving a crystal tipped wand about: Russ is a NEO-PAGAN wizard folks (1 Samuel 15:23) who knows what he gets up to in private.

I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I began meditating at the age of 18 and read all what Russell reads from the mid 80's through the 00's. I was deep into trance channelings, Ancient Wisdom, Gnosticism, Ascended Masters, Angels, psychedelic drugs, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. Like Russell I was illuminated by the *kundalini (serpent) spirit* then 7 years ago I got rightly Enlightened by the *Holy Spirit* - who showed me what a FOOL I was before. Spirit led me to the REAL *Yahshua/Jesus Christ* and everything changed: *Paradigm Shifted.*

This is being *BORN AGAIN* (John 3:3) and it's a daily miracle to me 😁

Spirit proffers a transparent view right through the intrinsic deception behind new age spirituality. It's clear we live in a FALLEN WORLD: the lower heavens/astral realms are historically and currently appropriated by spiritual beings in opposition to true DIVINITY. Legions of ancient DEVIANT angels influenced all religions, esoterism and new age theology. Masters of deception, they fool everyone into believing they're something they're not and there are a myriad of ingenious, guileful ways to serve their insidious cause - many and varied unsuspected forms.

HUMOUR is a powerful tool *occult spirits* facilitate; a rich resource mined for all its worth and Russell Brand (also JP Sears) is among the sharpest tools in the box.

Comedy is HUGE business innit. Russell got stinkin' RICH on it. Unwitting but otherwise very clever people with a talent for drollery can be perfect hosts for the sort of stealth luciferian theologies sending gigantic hordes completely gaga right now. If we're laughing it's gotta be true right? WRONG. Guru's can be very persuasive and make us laugh our butts off, yet nothing they say is *actually true.*

Their "truth" and attitude of genial moral aloofness is sourced are an ANCIENT EVIL they fail to recognise.

Humour isn't inherently evil but it can be BRANDished for evil purposes. I know channeled beings often display humour, it gets folks to lower their guard and warm to them. People more readily accept LIES when delivered with mild jest - blindsiding any subtle hunches they're talkin utter bollocks

I grew up with a gamut of English and American sit-coms, funny movies, Carry-On films, sketch shows and Monty Python; but from SPIRIT's Perspective humour is often perversely irreverent entertainment - even a form of tolerated fascism. There are plenty of humour fascists pulling the wool over our eyes, obscuring the gravity of a world estranged from the Divine while making the rest of us feel uneasy about not laughing along with 'em, as if we're at fault.

"Spiritual" potencies such as Kundalini, shakti-pat and ALL compromised esoteric powers hindu yogis and alternative (darkly osmotic) teacher guru's procure - and freely propagate - are sources of enhanced jovial profanity and blasphemy before REAL GOD.

In short, we gotta keep humour in context of a fallen world because pretty much EVERY human physical expression and spiritual belief system is warped 'n' twisted by the Earth's holistically degraded electromagnetic and morphogenic fields (Ephesians 6:11-12)

Don't be complacent. The end-times are dead ahead. Divinity is serious stuff. GOD is heavy business. Jesus is GOD (Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2:11, Matthew 4:7, John 8:56-59, John 10:30-33 & John 20:28; Revelation 1:8 & 18)

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