Why some resort to the echo chamber that is the Internet. Sometimes there's no one else.

1 year ago

Truth be told: the world is getting darker. The Internet, once a tool, has become an echo chamber for billions. So much ends up on there. Many reasons are behind it. No need to list the obvious.

However, there is a two-fold reason that is not always thought of. First, there are ones who literally have no one to talk to or willing to listen. Second, many others feel as though no one in their life is willing to listen. Many listeners out there fall into this category. People in their lives don't quiet down to listen or they just don't want to hear anything else. It's no wonder so many don't feel as though they're valued or heard. Often, what they have to say is important. So, they resort to the echo chamber which is the Internet.

Chances are we all know someone who spends tons of time on social media. Ask the Lord, then go to them and let them know they're valued. Let them know that they're heard and acknowledged. They may need to hear it.

#god #jesusislord #relationshipadvice #relationship #useyourvoice #loveoneanother #love #truth

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