Only YOU Can Stop The New World Order! | Drenda On Guard

1 year ago

Join Drenda and special guest Bob McEwen in this insightful discussion about the vital role of Americans in upholding biblical principles through voting and running for office. Discover how taking an active stance in the political sphere can help unify the nation and align our values with the timeless wisdom of the Bible. Gain a deeper understanding of the responsibilities we all share in shaping a brighter future for our country.

Join us for new Drenda On Guard Episodes every Friday at 12pm EST

We are at war. There is a spiritual battle raging for the hearts, souls, and very lives of our children. In her latest initiative—Drenda on Guard—Drenda Keesee is leading the charge to “take up the full armor of God,” and she wants to empower YOU to stand with her. She tackles current events, politics, legislation, and biblical prophecies that impact your life. Join Drenda to advance the Kingdom until Jesus returns.

Drenda and her husband, Gary, have five children, ten grandchildren and pastor Faith Life Church together. They founded Faith Life Now Ministries, which reaches millions of people across the globe through TV shows, radio, conferences, online platforms, books, and much more.

Drenda also created The Happy Life, a mentorship program that helps women become the women God created them to be. Join Drenda here and download The Happy Life Social app for free!


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Instagram: @DrendaKeesee

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