Scuba diver surprises wife with underwater wedding

7 years ago

Dave and Kristy have been married for 25 years and have had a marriage and a life filled with love and adventure. When Dave looked back and realized that he had not proposed in a very exciting way all those years ago, he decided he could do much better. He started scheming about the most romantic and surprising way to propose again and to renew his vows. Kristy loves few things as much as she loves scuba diving and swimming among the ocean life on the coral. There could be no better setting than 60 feet under the waves.

Dave smuggled a ring into Belize when they took a trip over Valentine's Day. He arranged for their friends to be the best man and maid of honor. He also planned with the boat captain and dive master to perform the ceremony. Preparation involved making plastic cards with all the important words.

Kristy was shocked when the wedding party all gathered around at the bottom on a Valentine's dive. Dave began explaining how he loved Kristy and wanted to propose properly.

Kristy said yes and the two are now on their second marriage and a honeymoon that hasn't stopped. And things have finally been set right!

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