"Step up Your Brunch Game with Delectable Plum Cinnamon Rolls: A Twist of Flavors in Every Bite!"

11 months ago

Subscribe Sasoya7

It’s late summer, plums are in season and this is a recipe I’m coming back to every year around this time! 🤤

- 450 g all purpose flour (or whole wheat/spelt)
- 15 g fresh yeast (or 5 g dry yeast)
- 1/4 cup (50 g) sugar
- 1 cup (240 g) plant milk
- 70 g vegan butter, softened (or 55g oil)
- pinch of salt

For the filling:
- 400 g plums (or apples!)
- 50 g softened vegan butter
- 80 g brown sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon

❶ Mix all ingredients for the dough, then knead well until you’ve got a very smooth dough. Some slap & folds can help as well.
❷ Cover and rest until doubled for 1-2 hours at room temperature or overnight in the fridge.
❸ Cut the plums into small pieces. (If using apples, sauté with some cinnamon sugar for 5 minutes.)
❹ Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Spread with softened vegan butter, then add the cinnamon sugar and plums or fruits of choice.
❺ Roll it tightly into a long sausage, then cut with a piece of floss or knife.
❻ Place the rolls in a baking pan, cover and let them rest for 30-45 minutes.
❼ Bake at 225°C for 16-22 minutes until deeply golden brown. Let them cool for 30 minutes.
Please tag me if you make it, I love seeing your remakes!

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