Emergencies, civil liberties and democide

9 months ago

“Social contagion is much more dangerous than biological contagion. All of the crimes against humanity, genocides, democides, they’re caused by righteous mobs trying to implement their ingenious schemes to save the world. It’s always the case that there are emergencies. Emergencies don’t justify violating civil liberties. When the state starts violating civil liberties en masse, the greatest emergencies that humankind has ever experienced is when that happens. Everybody has to take civil liberties a thousand times more seriously. It’s a different kind of animal than welfare and food and healthcare and transportation and highways and all of the other kinds of things. No, it’s not one of those animals that you balance within that mix at all.”

This was an excerpt from my opening remarks to a Spaces on how to react to the medical tyranny over the last 3.5 years.

Video put together by The Hart Group

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