Trump Supporters MAGA Blog Shadow Banned !

9 months ago

I've been a Trump supporter since 2015 when he announced his campaign. But recently this (large to me) archive has gotten 10-20 human callers each day. Curios if CloudFlare was behind the lack of traffic, I switched the name servers to my host's assigned ones. Within an hour the DNS had propagated enough to access it from my cell phone. At this time others were accessing the site too. At about 02:00 I went to sleep. Woke up this morning and when going to the site I got that famous site not found message. If they are doing it to me how many other independent publishers are shadow-banned and don't know it?

I post my opinion but don't beat around the bush or sugarcoat anything. I blog it in a mostly friendly way, Including links to other sources of information in a package. I also properly credit any materials used. My SEO skills are well learned getting an average 85% score using the Yoast SEO plugin. No wonder big tech doesn't want anyone visiting this MAGA treasure trove of Donald Trump memories! When this video is produced I'll set up a mitror Check it out! #MAGA #Trump2024

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