Tim Ballard vs the Dirty Dirty Smear Merchants

1 year ago

Video 1 of 3 (maybe 4?) looking at what should be a giant nothing burger concerning an imaginary schism between Tim Ballard and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Make no mistake this is a hit job on the part of VICE News. And the Church PR dept, yet again, stepped in "it" and issued a response to a request for comment that allowed VICE to create a divisive narrative between the Church and Tim Ballard that I attempt to prove does not exist.
Vice news, an awful, horrible, no good, possibly evil, fake news website has engineered what is sure to be a series of hit pieces on Tim Ballard to dissuade him from a run for Senate in UT, discredit him as a voice and advocate for the abolition of trafficking people .
The next video will cover the horrible LDS Youtube-verse reaction to the eventual run of smear jobs by VICE and the LDS Church.

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