Crypto Classroom: Episode 4 - Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0, What's the Difference? #wagmi #crypto #web3

9 months ago

Welcome to the Crypto Classroom, the educational podcast where JT and Steve, two passionate individuals in the crypto world who run and operate a Cincinnati based crypto hege fund, Bleeding Edge Capital, guide you through the exciting realm of Web3. Join JT, the seasoned expert, and Steve, the curious co-host, as they embark on a captivating learning journey alongside you, the listener.

In this episode, JT takes on the role of the knowledgeable instructor, while Steve, the inquisitive co-host, actively participates in the exploration of Web3 concepts. Together, they demystify the key differences between Web2 and Web3, ensuring an educational and engaging experience for all.

Join JT and Steve as they break down complex concepts such as blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized applications (dApps). Through their insightful discussions, they provide clear explanations, making Web3 accessible even to those new to the crypto space.

Discover how Web3 revolutionizes our digital landscape with its emphasis on decentralization, ownership, and trustlessness. JT and Steve delve into the potential of peer-to-peer networks, highlighting the transformative impact across industries like finance, art, gaming, and social media.

In this educational podcast, we optimize our content for SEO, ensuring that you can easily find this valuable resource while searching for information on Web3. We strive to empower you with a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of Web3, including its implications for privacy, security, and user empowerment.

Join JT, the knowledgeable guide, and Steve, the curious co-host, on a journey of discovery as they unravel the mysteries of Web3. Tune in to our educational podcast and gain the knowledge and insights to navigate the decentralized future confidently.

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//// Disclaimer: All of my videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person's opinion (including my own) for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. My videos ARE NOT financial advice. I AM not a financial adviser & this is not financial advice. #Crypto #CryptoNews #Bitcoin #BTC #ethereum #eth #ripple #xrp #chainlink #quant #polygon #cardano #hbar #cosmos #xlm #algorand #cryptocurrency #web3 #security #cryptotrading #WAGMI

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