Conservative Commandos Radio & TV Show - September 21, 2023

1 year ago

Conservative Commandos Radio & TV Show - September 21, 2023

Hosts: Rick Trader & George Landrith


Frank Vernuccio is the editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government. Frank is also the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report and the “The American Political Zone,” which you can see on the AUN-TV Network and on cable in eastern Connecticut. Frank will discuss the letter from the White House telling the lame stream media to not pay attention to Biden’s alleged corruption and bribery and instead to focus on attacking Republicans. Frank will also discuss how Bidenomics is failing and how Americans are suffering as a result of Biden’s horrible policies and leadership.

Kevin Tober is a News Analyst for News Busters at the Media Research Center. He earned a BA in Political Science from Rutgers University. Kevin will discuss how NBC’s Welker lied about the abortion position of the Left and failed to honestly discuss the issue in her interview with Donald Trump. Interestingly, CNN’s Oliver Darcy lashed out against Welker — not for her lies and disinformation — but becuase in his judgment she wasn’t mean enough to the bad orange man. Kevin will also discuss how MSNBC showed its own soft-bigotry when it accuses people of bigotry when they criticize Kamala Harris’ performance.

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